
Turkish Airlines to offer free, unlimited Wi-Fi access to its entire fleet

Turkish Airlines to offer free, unlimited Wi-Fi access to its entire fleet

Turkish Airlines, the airline that flies to more countries than any other, is committed to enhancing its in-flight experience through the integration of the latest developments and innovative technologies. In line with this strategy, the national airline is striving to provide all passengers with free, unlimited, uninterrupted and fast connectivity service within two years, starting from the end of 2025.

As part of this initiative, Turkish Airlines plans to modernize its existing fleet with the latest In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) technologies and equip new aircraft with the most efficient IFC technologies available. This will enable the carrier to extend the IFC service currently offered in the majority of its fleet to the entire Turkish Airlines fleet, offering all passengers unlimited, uninterrupted and faster IFC service free of charge.

With the integration of new IFC technologies, Turkish Airlines aims to meet the expectations of its passengers regarding their digital consumption habits during the journey. Therefore, Turkish Airlines is open to collaboration with all suppliers and is actively negotiating with local and international suppliers who can offer the best IFC service solutions for its entire fleet. In addition, Turkish Airlines supports Turkish companies in developing solutions for this connectivity service. In this regard, Turkish Airlines has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TCI Aircraft Interiors, a certified supplier of aeronautical products, and Turksat, a regional leader in satellite technologies. The signing of the MoU underlines that Turkish Airlines plans to leverage domestic capabilities and that the carrier supports Turkish companies in establishing a presence in the IFC sector.

Following the necessary feasibility studies, all stakeholders will work to develop an understanding and strive to transform the MoU into a definitive agreement. Turkish Airlines remains committed to ensuring the highest level of passenger experience and advancing the Turkish aviation industry.