
From “bonkus of the conkus”, I admit I find it funny too – The Comics Curmudgeon

From “bonkus of the conkus”, I admit I find it funny too – The Comics Curmudgeon

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Judge Parker, 07/27/24

From “bonkus of the conkus”, I admit I find it funny too – The Comics Curmudgeon

Hey, remember how Neddy’s fiancé was grumpy about some kind of family drama? Well, big news: Sophie’s non-boyfriend’s brother, who is also not her boyfriend (haha, but what if…?) is also involved in some kind of family drama! Now, is this the same family and/or drama? It doesn’t seem possible, based on the details as I understand them, but on the other hand, why would this comic inflict two separate Spencer’s boringly vague daughters get embroiled in family drama? Why would they do that to me, personally?

Bailey Beetle, 07/27/24

Sorry to nitpick Bailey Beetle Comic that actually has a good joke in it, but in panel two, Sarge is being treated by Doctor Bonkus, the camp’s resident psychiatrist. While he’s technically a doctor, I don’t think he’s the right practitioner for the job, unless the mental stress of being proven wrong by Beetle has finally driven Sarge to the brink of insanity.

Forgive my planet, 07/27/24

CARTOONIST, READING GENESIS 2:9 SEARCHING FOR IDEAS FOR A COMIC PAGE, COMING TO THE PHRASE “TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” BUT STOPPING READING JUST AS HE GETS TO “AND”: The rest of that sentence is probably “and unpleasant tasting fruit.” No need to waste time reading any further! Today’s joke is ready!