
Paris 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony: A Historic and Spectacular Demonstration of the “Greatest Show on Earth”

Paris 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony: A Historic and Spectacular Demonstration of the “Greatest Show on Earth”

Saturday July 27, 2024

Reading time: 2 minutes

Olympic Games, Paris

With a breathtaking opening ceremony for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the city has once again etched its name in the annals of history.

The 142nd The IOC Session in Paris was marked by a breathtaking spectacle that transformed the City of Lights into a sporting stadium like no other.

On the night of July 26, 2024, Paris witnessed an extraordinary spectacle as 85 boats carrying 6,800 athletes glided along the Seine towards the iconic Eiffel Tower.

The ascent of the Olympic flame into the sky attached to a hot air balloon was a moment of wonder that will be remembered for years to come.

An unforgettable opening ceremony

For the first time in Olympic history, the opening ceremony took place outside the confines of a traditional stadium.

Artistic director Thomas Jolly orchestrated a four-hour extravaganza that invited everyone to participate.

The Seine served as a track, the quays as stands for spectators and the historic monuments stood as silent witnesses to this vibrant celebration.

Despite the pouring rain, athletes danced on the decks of boats, spectators lined the quays and bridges, ballet dancers pirouetted on rooftops and Parisians applauded from their balconies.

Delegations from 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) marched through the heart of Paris towards the Trocadéro, where French President Emmanuel Macron officially declared the Paris Olympic Games open.

A celebration of unity and sport

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach delivered an inspiring speech, celebrating the Olympic spirit and the unity of humanity.

“Some will say that we in the Olympic world are dreamers. But we are not the only ones,” Bach said.

“And our dream becomes reality tonight: a reality visible to all.

Olympic athletes from around the world show us what greatness we humans are capable of.

So I invite everyone: dream with us.

Like Olympic athletes, be inspired by the joy that only sport can bring us.

Let us celebrate this Olympic spirit of living life in peace, as one humanity, united in all its diversity.

A significant event for Paris

The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games not only showcased the beauty and spirit of Paris, but also set a new precedent for how such events can be hosted.

The city’s transformation into a major stage for this global event underlines its ability to innovate and inspire.