
Getting prostitutes into the Olympics will be the toughest test athletes will face

Getting prostitutes into the Olympics will be the toughest test athletes will face

Written by Zach Dean via OutKick,

For any great American Olympians reading this on their way to today’s Opening Ceremony, be warned: If you are considering bringing a prostitute into your home in the next two weeks, proceed with caution.

According to industry sources in the sex worker sector in Europe, Paris took action this week against prostitutes and hookers who tried to infiltrate the Olympic villageHow serious are they?

Police told TMZ (shock) that they formed a anti-pimping a brigade to combat the influx of sex workers looking to make a quick buck off the backs of horny athletes.


“With the influx of visitors heading to Paris for the 2024 Olympics, French police are cracking down on prostitution… and we’ve learned that an anti-pimping squad is even leading the charge,” TMZ writes.

“The police department’s press office tells TMZ that authorities are doing everything they can to combat illegal sex work in the City of Lights. An official brigade, known as the BRP, has even been formed… and we’re told it will be making its presence known in the area in earnest.

“There is also a group to monitor nightlife establishments, such as cabarets… where anti-sex work laws will be strengthened.”

Olympic athletes must exercise caution over illegal sex

This last sentence touches me every time… where laws against sex work will be enforced. I don’t know why, but it makes me laugh.

But wait… there’s more!! Fasten your seatbelts, because this one is a real bomb.

Apparently there is a group on the other side of the Atlantic that opposes this crackdown on prostitution because it is unfair to illegal sex workers. There are always two sides to every story, you know.

Several nonprofit organizations have spoken out on behalf of sex workers ahead of the Olympics… because they believe the “repression first” mentality is negatively impacting the health and safety of sex workers. TMZ added.

The outlet also said that all of this might be for nothing, as the sex worker sector has been somewhat reduced for these Olympics due to expensive housing.

Thanks, Biden! (I know, it doesn’t work like that, but it’s still funny)

What a great way to start these games, isn’t it? We have the opening ceremonies, where I guess someone wide awake will light the fire because it’s 2024, and then it’s on to the races for the next few weeks. Swimming, golf, rugby… you get the idea. Take your pick and you’ll have it over the next few weeks.

But the question that comes to my mind is: who will be the first American to be caught in the company of a prostitute?

I want to see those odds, Draft Kings!
