
Woman Takes In Daughter-in-Law Who Had Nowhere To Go, But Her Persistent Refusal And Bad Behavior Force Her To Kick Her Out Again » TwistedSifter

Woman Takes In Daughter-in-Law Who Had Nowhere To Go, But Her Persistent Refusal And Bad Behavior Force Her To Kick Her Out Again » TwistedSifter

Woman Takes In Daughter-in-Law Who Had Nowhere To Go, But Her Persistent Refusal And Bad Behavior Force Her To Kick Her Out Again » TwistedSifterWoman Takes In Daughter-in-Law Who Had Nowhere To Go, But Her Persistent Refusal And Bad Behavior Force Her To Kick Her Out Again » TwistedSifter

Blended families are full of complexities. When this woman invites her husband’s troubled teenage daughter into her home, the family dynamic is put to the test.

Despite their best efforts to provide him with structure and support, his continued defiant attitude and unhygienic habits forced them to make a difficult decision.

Read on to know the whole story!

My husband and I are happily married and have one child together and he has a 19 year old daughter from a previous relationship.

We get along great with her ex and her husband. They weren’t together for very long, as they were long-time friends, briefly tried dating and realized they were better as friends, even after their daughter was born.

There is an anomaly in this harmonious blended family.

Everyone gets along well, except his daughter, who doesn’t really get along with anyone.

She stayed with her aunt and when she left a few weeks later, her cousin had to start therapy. The aunt stopped communicating with all of us.

Her grandmother stopped looking after her for more than two days because her blood pressure doesn’t allow it. She has been in therapy, she has been asked if something has happened to her, but she is just rebellious. She has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder.

The stepdaughter seems to be wreaking havoc on everyone around her.

Her mother and stepfather started therapy because of the constant stress she was under. We told them that we would of course accept her staying with us.

It’s miserable. She does everything she can to do the opposite of what everyone asks her to do. She refuses to do basic tasks, like picking up her own trash and dirty clothes.

They tried to give a structure.

We gave him the household chore of vacuuming the three carpeted rooms once a day. It takes about fifteen minutes.

But she quickly takes advantage of it.

We found out she had been “trading” with our son, then complained when she was caught, saying it wasn’t fair that he had the easier job of watering two plants.

We told him that not only was he only 8 years old, but he had developmental delays, muscular dystrophy, and could barely push the vacuum cleaner.

Not only does he not speak, but he can’t say no to her. He just does what he’s told.

His challenge intensified.

The last straw was when I went into his room to put his clothes away and noticed that there were food scraps and wrappers. I had told him several times that they needed to be thrown away.

I decided to do it this time because it was starting to get moldy and she was losing food in her room. I picked it up and there were a few roaches.

We called an exterminator and he said they were only in her room and that we were lucky to find them early and that it probably happened because instead of throwing her trash out she just threw it out the window and left the window open.

Her father thinks his wife made the wrong decision.

My husband says we shouldn’t have kicked her out because now she resents us and feels like we’re abandoning her.

I said I understood that as a parent, but at what point does she have to stop making us all miserable?

Also, I think the best thing to do is to finally make him take responsibility and despite the efforts of therapy, attempts at quality time, punishments, encouragement, he is just letting her do it at this point.

But she categorically refuses.

Eventually, I bought the house before the marriage and it is still in my name.

I refuse to let my son live with someone who will take advantage of him and live in a house with cockroaches and mold.

My husband and I are going to start therapy for ourselves soon because of this and she is staying with the second friend because the first one made her leave.

What is this ?

It seems this couple is between a rock and a hard place.

What did Reddit think?

This user thinks he did his best, but there’s not much he can do.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

She made the right decision in taking care of her son, according to this redditor.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

At some point, the daughter-in-law has to take responsibility for her actions.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

It’s not fair to his son.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Even though this couple still has a long way to go, Redditors agree that she made the best choice possible.

You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

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