
10 Sales Metrics That Really Matter

10 Sales Metrics That Really Matter

1. The number of conversations with prospects or customers.

This excludes customer service type calls.

This is the number of real conversations, whether in teams, on Zoom, or in person with prospects or customers.

2. Number of calls made to prospects.

This includes voicemail or a message left for a caretaker.

This is the number of attempts made to reach prospects. This is critical because it will help you determine: Who is my prospect? What does my process look like? Is it email-driven? Is it too focused on inbound calls?

I also want to look at: Am I making calls?

3. Number of prospecting emails.

Separate this from marketing. This is generated by sellers because there is a specific problem happening there.

4. The number of conversations needed to close a sale once the lead is qualified.

Over time, you want to be able to reduce the number of conversations needed because that means you become more efficient. It also means you are more focused on your KPI.

Read these 6 steps to customer-centric communication

5. The time, in days or months, required to convert a prospect into a customer.

It takes three months? It takes one month?

This metric helps individual sellers determine whether or not they have a chance of achieving their goal.

It’s a new quarter and I don’t have enough projects going on. Well, if my sales process takes six months, I’m out of luck. That impacts the prospects I target.

My goal is to reduce the time it takes, so that may mean I have to simplify the offer or approach the customer differently.