
Her brother ruins every family gathering and she’s the only one who stands up to him, but now everyone’s mad at her

Her brother ruins every family gathering and she’s the only one who stands up to him, but now everyone’s mad at her

Her brother ruins every family gathering and she’s the only one who stands up to him, but now everyone’s mad at her

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/AskarAbayev

Families don’t always get along, but when one person is the cause of all the drama, it makes things even more difficult.

For this woman, her older brother is always causing trouble for the family and she is the only person who stands up to him.

Now everyone is mad at her because of this.

Here is the full story…

Thank you so much for not allowing my brother to wreak havoc on our family?

I am the youngest of three children (30 years old). I have an older brother and sister, and my oldest brother is an emotional time bomb.

He comes to family events and sucks all the air out of the room.

He likes to argue with anyone who talks back to him and when you try to call him out on his childish and poor behavior he explodes and basically ruins everyone’s time.

Most of my family will ignore him and his bad behavior to “keep the peace” at family events.

But it doesn’t always work…

Well, his target changes with every event and when his sights fall on me, I don’t accept it. He will try to be mean and nasty to me and I will tell him about him.

About the emotional maturity of an ant and how he will die if he doesn’t make everything revolve around him.

Usually my mom ends up getting mad at both of us and either he leaves or I do. My mom likes to ask me why I have to “feed him.”

She doesn’t see it like that…

And I told her that if she was okay with him talking to her like an idiot, that was fine, but I wasn’t.

I will always defend myself and I will defend myself. And if she wants to keep the peace, she just has to not invite me.

She’s going to tell the story as if I’m the one who’s being an asshole and so I’m curious…

Am I the asshole here?

Let’s move on to the comments…

This Reddit user has excellent knowledge of the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another commenter thinks she should distance herself.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Some people have given some advice for this situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And others had fun and clever ways to put an end to his antics!

Source: Reddit/AITA

As the old adage goes: treat others the way you want to be treated!

But everyone has their limits.

If you think this is an interesting story, check out this one about a man who created a point system for his inheritance, and a family friend ended up getting almost all of it.