
FLASHBACK: ‘Communist’ Kamala Harris Threatened to Take Over Private Pharmaceutical Companies If They Refuse to Lower Drug Prices | The Gateway Pundit

FLASHBACK: ‘Communist’ Kamala Harris Threatened to Take Over Private Pharmaceutical Companies If They Refuse to Lower Drug Prices | The Gateway Pundit

Kamala Harris has once again proven that she will stop at nothing to expand government control over the health care sector.

At a campaign stop in 2019, Sen. Harris made a bold statement that left many incredulous: If drug companies refused to lower their prices, she would “rip off their patents” and let the government take over.

This statement is not only an affront to the principles of free enterprise, but also a chilling reminder of the lengths Harris is willing to go in her quest for power.

When asked by an audience member if such a move was possible, Harris confidently replied, “Yes, we can do it!” She then challenged the crowd, saying, “The question is, ‘Do you have the will to do it?’ I have the will to do it.”


The Washington Times reported at the time:

Ms. Harris co-sponsored legislation to destroy our patent and health care systems.

Many bills impose government price controls, unleashing the government’s monopsony power to dictate drug prices.

Bills S. 3166, S. 1801, S. 1261, S. 1129, S. 981, S. 470, S. 377, S. 102, and S. 62, all co-sponsored by Ms. Harris, share this common characteristic of government-run health care systems. These governments have an unfair advantage in “negotiations” with providers.

Some of the laws Harris supports require compulsory patent licensing or reduce the period of patent exclusivity, which is the opposite of an exclusive right. These include sections 4439, 1801, 377, 366, and 102.

Measures like S. 1801 and S. 97 increase risks to patients through importation programs. Some, including S. 3163, S. 1801, S. 637, and S. 102, expropriate pharmaceutical innovators of their revenues. This is money that companies use for research and development and to continue to come up with new, more effective treatments.

Ms. Harris supports Medicare “public option” and “buy-in” legislation, S. 1261, S. 981 and S. 470.

She was one of the first to sponsor the granddaddy of a single, government-controlled health care system: Mr. Sanders’ Medicare for All Act, S. 1129.

Kamala Harris’s rhetoric is a dangerous flirtation with authoritarianism, where the state can take whatever it wants in the name of the common good. It is a vision of America that should send a chill down the spines of anyone who values ​​freedom and the rule of law.

This is similar to the actions of communist tyrant Hugo Chavez in Venezuela who took control of that country’s oil companies.

If Harris were to become president, it would be clear that private property rights or any other rights would be under direct attack.