
Westwood clubhouse frame expected to be ready before winter – Newton Daily News

Westwood clubhouse frame expected to be ready before winter – Newton Daily News

Earlier this month, Westwood Golf Course received approval for a 60-by-100-foot wood-frame building that would serve as a new clubhouse, and then two weeks later, council members authorized a bid of more than $378,000 for a contractor to lay the foundation and then prepare the structure for the next phase of the project.

According to city documents, Urbandale-based contractor Ball Team, LCC, will not only build footings but also apply spray foam insulation to exterior walls and construct or install aluminum storefront systems, exterior openings, rigid insulation, roof insulation and standing seam roof panels with gutters and downspouts.

The city received four bids. Although the bids from Ball Team and West Des Moines-based Accurate Commercial, LLC were identical, staff recommended Ball Team because of minor discrepancies in the other’s proposal. This portion of the project will be funded with American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Morton Buildings, Inc. of West Des Moines won the contract for the wood-frame “shell” of the new clubhouse. The company provided the lowest bid of $190,338, which was also paid for with ARPA funds. Newton City Administrator Matt Muckler said Ball Team and Morton Buildings work well together.

“We’re hoping everything goes well,” Muckler said. “This is the building, so everything will be done, from the building itself to the gutters, downspouts, doors, windows, flooring, heating and air conditioning, restrooms. That’s it. Then we have a second phase which will be interior renovations over the winter.”

The city of Newton expects the wood-frame building to be ready by Dec. 6, giving staff the winter to further design and furnish the space.

“We decided to make this space flexible enough to serve people. So when we have a tournament at full capacity, we can set up a meal there if it rains,” Muckler said. “… That way we can also set up simulators in the winter.”

Other phases of the project include building a deck and other outdoor amenities, including seating areas. Muckler said in many ways, the project never ends. For example, the golf course will eventually need a new golf cart building and improvements to the parking lots.

“These will all be future phases,” Mr. Muckler said.

Westwood Golf Course has enjoyed continued success, even with its old clubhouse, which has since been demolished. Although Muckler anticipated a drop in golfers because of the construction, the number of rounds played still increased last year. The golf fund, which has been criticized for its deficit, was in the black.

Newton City Council even used the golf fund revenue to purchase 13 new golf carts for $56,700 and then a new lawn mower for $43,951.75. Muckler said it’s nice that the city can use the golf fund as a sort of corporate fund for the course, meaning the money generated by the course goes to the course.

In the future, Mr. Muckler said, some of the future phases of the clubhouse project could be funded with revenue from the golf fund.

“Will this pay for everything? No. But I think it could pay for some of the things we’re talking about,” Muckler said. “As of June 30, our golf fund had a balance of $262,861. We also have a separate fund for the clubhouse, where we’ve received donations. Those will be spent on phase two.”