
Need to Move to a New Climate? Things to Consider

Need to Move to a New Climate? Things to Consider

By Story Console

If you’re moving from New York to Miami, or a similarly cold climate, to a warmer area, there are probably a lot of things to consider. If you’ve never lived in a warm climate before, the prospect may seem overwhelming.

Fear not. We’ll guide you through the essentials of moving between regions and what you really need to adjust when moving to Miami. And, of course, you need to find New York movers to help you get the job done right.

What to wear?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been building your wardrobe for decades. Those winter coats probably feel as integral to your existence as your favorite necklace. And you have such cherished memories of all your sweaters that you probably can’t imagine parting with them.

But you have to be reasonable when moving to the South. We all know the climate is changing, but it’s not reasonable to assume that you’ll need winter clothing when you come to Miami. And unfortunately, that includes your favorite ski sweaters (unless, of course, you want to take a winter vacation and head up north for a nice ski trip).

Instead, you should be looking forward to building your swimsuit collection. We know that if you weren’t raised that way, it might seem absurd to own three different swimsuits, but it’s a way of life in Miami. And you should get used to accessorizing Miami style, too. When you’re chilling at these famous Cuban bars on the weekends, you want to do it right. So, grab the trendiest pair of sunglasses you can find and a fabulous new sun hat and get ready to take on the Strip.

Living indoors/outdoors

If you’re like most people in the Northeast, you’re probably used to spending most of your time indoors. Well, you need to get used to changing that mentality when you come to Miami. That means a few things: Load up on sunscreen, because it won’t take long for the sun’s ultraviolet rays to start tearing apart your skin and causing potentially permanent damage. If you do it right, you’ll get a nice tan that isn’t too over the top and doesn’t pose any serious health risks.

You’ll also want to consider things like exercise. While working out along the beach strip can be great, it’s not for everyone. The Miami sun can be scorching, and some people just don’t like feeling the burn around other scorching people, if you will. Luckily, Miami also has some amazing indoor climate-controlled facilities, so it’s up to you which direction you want to go.

Change the pace

Another thing you’ll have to get used to with this change of location is the pace of life. We know that life in New York is a mad rush, and even if you’re an artist in Soho, you’re probably used to hitting the streets on foot, because that’s the only way to get by there.

When you move to Miami, all of this will suddenly change. People in Florida may not speak with the same slow, accented accents as those in Mississippi and other southern states, but the pace of life is definitely slower and more leisurely. So you have to be prepared for the fact that people may sometimes be late, meetings are not supposed to start and end on time, etc.

This can take some psychological adjustment. While you’re probably used to rushing to get somewhere at a certain time and getting upset when you can’t, you can relax knowing that people in Miami don’t take schedules as seriously. When you move to Miami, your stress levels will decrease and you’ll be able to enjoy life more.


Moving is always a change. Moving from the North to the South can be a major one. But it can also be a welcome one. Especially if you’ve lived in the Northeast your entire life, the prospect of existing without your scarf and mittens may seem unimaginable. But it will soon become your reality, so you should embrace it and think about the wider possibilities of your new life (remember, we now have digital photography, which is great for preserving memories).

So sit back, go through your wardrobe, and think carefully about what items you’ll really need when you move south. And don’t forget that you can always rent boots for that ski vacation you’re planning to take to Vermont next January.