
Family of murdered Oklahoma City woman calls for awareness after her killing

Family of murdered Oklahoma City woman calls for awareness after her killing

A 28-year-old Oklahoma City woman was murdered last week by her boyfriend in Little Rock, Arkansas, who had already been convicted of murder.

Lashabra Plunkett’s family describes her as a devoted mother to her seven-year-old son, a basketball star and an animal lover. They are now trying to spread the word about what happened to her so it doesn’t happen to others.

“No mother should have to go through this,” said Plunkett’s stepmother, Vonnisha Hammons.

Plunkett’s family said she met Keith Moore online and had been dating him for a year and a half. Court records show Moore had a previous conviction for first-degree murder in Arkansas in 2009.

According to the Little Rock Police Department, patrol officers responded to a medical call on Aug. 24 and reported finding Plunkett with an apparent laceration. Police said she was taken to a local hospital where she later died. Moore was identified as the suspect and once again charged with first-degree murder.

“A monster took a beautiful soul,” Hammons said. “Everyone who met her just can’t believe this happened to her.”

Plunkett’s mother, Shysheka Plunkett, told Fox25 that her daughter is always trying to make a difference in other people’s lives, whether she’s helping an injured animal or someone with car trouble.

“Lashabra was a mother. She was an aunt. She was my daughter. She was everything. Everything. And I will never see her again,” Plunkett said.

Plunkett said she has received many messages since her daughter’s death from women who are currently experiencing domestic violence or who have been victims in the past.

“I just want everyone to know that you don’t have to be afraid. You have to speak out. You have to talk. You have to get help,” she said.

Lashabra’s family is hosting a balloon release for her on September 1 at 7 p.m. at Putnam City Original, and they say everyone is welcome.