
5 Unforgettable Moments From Silent Hill 2 We Can’t Wait to Relive in the Remake

5 Unforgettable Moments From Silent Hill 2 We Can’t Wait to Relive in the Remake

Konami is following in Capcom’s footsteps by remaking the most popular entry in its beloved survival horror series, and hey, I’m not complaining. Silent Hill 2 is considered a landmark entry in the genre for good reason.

In anticipation of the Silent Hill 2 With the remake set to release later this year, here are five big moments from the original game that we can’t wait to see come to life in the new remake. Of course, be aware that this article contains major story spoilers, so don’t watch if you’re new to the game and want to get a fresh start.

First appearance of Pyramid Head

Pyramid Head is actually the mascot of the silent Hill franchise at this point, but we must not forget that it debuted in Silent Hill 2 as a manifestation of James’ guilt and remorse. And his first appearance in the game is absolutely terrifying.

Picture this: James is hiding in a closet, peering through the small gaps in the door, and what does he see? This tall male figure with a rusty pyramid helmet on his head, taking on two mannequin monsters. He leaves, dragging his sword behind him. Not only is it a horrifying visual to have etched in your memory, but the sound design is also top-notch here. The creaks and scrapes of metal all contribute to the game’s eerie atmosphere, and you know at that moment that Pyramid Head is not someone you want to cross paths with, ever.

The Descent of the Historical Society

Speaking of excellent sound design, I would be remiss if I did not mention the unforgettable transition march from the Historical Society to the Toluca Prison. So far, things in Silent Hill 2 It seems relatively normal, or at least predictable. It’s a creepy town infested with monsters. Sure. I’ve been there, done that.

But it is at the Historical Society that Silent Hill 2 It really takes things up a notch.

The Historical Society itself is creepy, but nothing you haven’t seen before. However, as you progress through the area, you start to find holes that you have to jump through to continue. This happens several times and before you finally get to the Toluca Prison, you have to make a long descent down a seemingly endless staircase to reach your destination.

It’s a bit obvious now, maybe, but this is the first time Silent Hill 2 The game plays up the symbolism of “descent into hell and madness,” and it works. Add to that all the horrible ambient noises surrounding James while he does this, and you have one of the most iconic moments in gaming.

“For me, it’s always like this”

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In a gut punch of a reveal, James comes face to face with Angela one last time as you approach the final act of Silent Hill 2. You learn more about her tragic past, her abusive family, and her suicidal thoughts. As Angela leaves and heads up the stairs of the Lakeview Hotel, James notices that the room has suddenly become very hot.

Suddenly, the entire room is on fire. Angela turns around and asks, “Do you see it too? It’s always like this for me.” She then disappears into the flames, probably looking for another way to kill herself, as she believes it’s her only way out.

It is one of the most painful scenes to watch. Silent Hill 2 For multiple reasons: Angela’s story is both infuriating and heartbreaking, and the fact that she still sees no other option than suicide is incredibly tragic. The twist here is that everyone in Silent Hill also experiences a different version of the town. While James has always seen it as a bleak and gloomy town, Angela’s version is still burning.

The revelation at the hotel

Silent Hill 2 is very good at dropping subtle hints throughout the story, but if you haven’t figured out what the game is about, you’re in for a real surprise at Lakeview Hotel.

When James finally arrives at the hotel room where he and Mary were staying, he finds a VCR into which he can insert a videotape he found in the hotel’s office. The video is static, as it should be, but the first half is shot from James’ point of view as he films his time on the town with Mary. The second half is much more sinister, as we see James smothering Mary with a pillow.

When the tape ends, James is seen sitting in a chair in silence as he tries to recover from what he has done. It turns out that all this time, James has been repressing his guilt and even convinced himself that Mary had just died from her illness. However, his guilt has gotten the better of him, manifesting itself in a letter from Mary telling him that she is still alive and that he must come to Silent Hill to find her.

Mary’s last words

The start is the ending that most players will get just by playing. Silent Hill 2 Normally, and in my opinion, this is the canon ending. In this ending, the final scene shows James leaving town with Laura while we are treated to a final monologue from Mary in a letter she wrote to him.

As expected, the content of the letter is extremely sad, and the voice actress does a great job of capturing the emotional distress Mary is going through during her performance. The letter is largely Mary’s confession: she tells James that she loves him, that she hates herself, and that she sees how hard it is for him to see her like this and care for her even though she is dying. She says she is afraid that James’ feelings for her will change, that she disgusts him, and that he might even start to hate her.

Mary’s feelings are evident throughout the letter: she wants him to be happy but also hopes that he will not forget her. She tells him that she was happy with him.

Thematically, Leave’s ending just makes sense. In Mary’s reading, we see James and Laura leave, implying that James has finally accepted what he’s done and has faced and accepted his own guilt, even managing to forgive himself in the process. Leave is also the most optimistic ending, as it leaves (ha) players with hope that maybe James can really be saved after all. That his story doesn’t need to end in pain and tragedy too.

This scene is driven home by Mary’s letter and the gravity of everything you’ve learned so far, and it serves as the perfect conclusion to an incredible game.

The Silent Hill 2 remake will be released on October 8th.

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