
Army Corps of Engineers Announces Pend Oreille Retirement Dates

Army Corps of Engineers Announces Pend Oreille Retirement Dates

After receiving an informal request, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has agreed to a fall schedule for reducing water levels in Lake Pend Oreille, which is scheduled to begin Sept. 23.

The fall water level drawdown typically begins on the third Sunday in September or September 18, whichever is later. This summer’s below-average water levels have forced the USACE to push back its schedule.

The Corps will hold the summer pool through Sept. 22 before aiming for 2,060 feet by Sept. 30 and 2,051 feet by Nov. 15.

Since the operators use the Albeni Falls Dam power station for autumn drawdown, not its gates, the unresolved gate issue will not be affected.

Metal defects were discovered in one of the dam’s 11 gates in April, after an inspection of the infrastructure as part of a rehabilitation project. All the gates are original, and have exceeded their expected lifespan.

The Corps estimated it would take three to five years to fully fix the gate problem, a time frame some residents said was insufficient. This year, the dam’s limited functionality slowed summer filling; similar delays could occur until the gate is repaired.

According to a USACE news release, Corps officials will hold a public meeting to discuss dam operations and the gate repair project with residents. The event is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Ponderay Events Center.