
Q&A: Meet the Candidates Running for Conroe Independent School District Position 5

Q&A: Meet the Candidates Running for Conroe Independent School District Position 5

On November 5, voters will decide who will be elected to Position 5 on the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees.

The current position is held by Theresa Wagaman, who was elected to the board in 2021. Wagaman has decided not to seek reelection and her term will end Nov. 5. Kristin Guardino, Josh Webb and Lindsay Dawson are running for the seat.

Candidates were asked to keep their answers to 50 words, to answer the questions asked, and to avoid attacking their opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to meet these guidelines, or for reasons of style and clarity.

Why are you running for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees?

The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire before going to press.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire before going to press.

What are the main challenges the district is currently facing and how do you plan to address them?

The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire before going to press.

Are there any projects or policies you would like to see introduced or changed in the district?

The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire before going to press.

What are your suggestions for the district’s legislative priorities for the legislative session that begins in January?

The candidate did not respond to the questionnaire before going to press.

Why are you running for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees?

To help build a better future for children, teachers and the district.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

CISD Graduate, Multiple Leadership Roles, Finance Experience, Small Business Owner, Father of Three, Husband for 12 Years

What are the main challenges the district is currently facing and how do you plan to address them?

Budget deficit, controversial issues. Work with the state to solve budget problems. Stop trying to please everyone and do what is right for the kids, teachers, and the district as a whole.

Are there any projects or policies you would like to see introduced or changed in the district?

Not at the moment

What are your suggestions for the district’s legislative priorities for the legislative session that begins in January?

Let’s figure out what we can do to encourage the state to provide more funding to the district. Let’s also look at the budget as a whole to see if there are adjustments that can be made at the district level as well.

Why are you running for the Conroe ISD Board of Trustees?

The stakes are too high for our children to sit on the sidelines. With student achievement declining, children’s safety increasingly at risk, parents feeling stifled, and teachers leaving in droves, it’s time to get back to basics to successfully prepare children for adulthood.

What qualifications do you think make you the best candidate?

As a former CIA analyst and diplomat, I am adept at analyzing complex issues and working with diverse stakeholders to develop sound policies. As a former financial auditor and small business owner, I will ensure that taxpayer dollars are used responsibly. I will reflect the values ​​of our community as a servant leader.

What are the main challenges the district is currently facing and how do you plan to address them?

Student achievement is declining as parents’ voices are marginalized, teachers leave, and exponential student growth strains already limited resources. We must be proactive in preparing for growth while maintaining a strong focus on the basics to ensure academic success.

Are there any projects or policies you would like to see introduced or changed in the district?

Teachers are leaving the profession in large part because of student discipline problems. Local discipline policies should be strengthened to give teachers more voice, ensure safety, and ensure consistent enforcement of policies across campuses. Teachers should be the final decision-makers on whether or not to keep disruptive students in class, not the administration.

What are your suggestions for the district’s legislative priorities for the legislative session that begins in January?

I would advocate for reforms to Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code in Austin to give more local control and address student discipline issues in CISD. I am also aligned with Republican legislative priorities that seek to end the sexualization of Texas children.