
Tech ‘jobs’: Students take summer internships to prepare classrooms | News, Sports, Jobs

Tech ‘jobs’: Students take summer internships to prepare classrooms | News, Sports, Jobs

Pictured, from left, are summer technology interns Denver Scheffer, Gavin Defries, Tanner Templin and Tyler Januchowski.

For school technology experts, the real work begins after students and teachers leave in June. For four Silver Creek High School students, that was just the beginning of their two-month hands-on experience as summer tech interns.

This is the second year that the Silver Creek Technology Department has used students as summer interns, but it is the first year that it has had the help of four students. Gavin Defries, an incoming senior, was the department’s first summer intern for the pilot project in 2023.

This summer, Gavin was joined by fellow seniors Tanner Templin and Tyler Januchowski and Denver Scheffer, a 2024 graduate. Throughout the summer, they worked on the technology in each room; updating, inventorying and replacing technology, from laptops and iPads to interactive whiteboards and wireless hotspots.

Network technician Chad Austin-Alford had amazing things to say about the students’ meticulous work. “They helped us accomplish more across the district in one summer than any previous summer. They demonstrated that high school students have the capacity to take on these tasks and do a great job. We are very proud of the hard work and support they have given us and the district,” he said.

Summer tech interns oversaw the installation of 36 ViewSonic interactive whiteboards, as well as the inventory, inspection, upgrade, replacement and/or recycling of more than 3,000 other devices throughout the district. In addition, they helped resolve a bug in the iPads that required them to be reset and reconfigured. A task that would normally have delayed the summer work significantly, they accomplished it in record time.

During the school year, all students completed the Introduction to Computer Science or Computer Fundamentals courses and assisted in the Student Help Desk, providing first-level technical support to their peers. Students who gained more advanced skills and confidence were given the opportunity to assist more directly in the IT office by providing support in the buildings and classrooms.

“The opportunities Silver Creek provides to our students are growing exponentially. The birth of our Silver Creek Esports program has opened up a whole new perspective not only in technology, but also in the future,” Joshua Sadler, a technology teacher, said. “These four students enrolled in our school’s computer science classes and learned how to build/repair PCs, solder, learn about cybersecurity, and even become certified drone pilots. Teaching these classes was a lot of fun and the hands-on experience is a great asset for students looking to continue their education.”

All four students said they want to pursue technology degrees after high school. In the future, Silver Creek Schools plans to continue the paid summer IT internship program.