
What Happens When You Repost the “Goodbye Meta AI” Warning? The Truth Behind Instagram’s Viral Story

What Happens When You Repost the “Goodbye Meta AI” Warning? The Truth Behind Instagram’s Viral Story

    (AFP via Getty Images)

(AFP via Getty Images)

A post titled “Goodbye Meta AI” has become one of the most viral trends ever posted on Instagram.

The post has been copied and reposted hundreds of thousands of times. It claims to be a way to stop Meta – the parent company of Instagram and Facebook – from using user data for artificial intelligence and other purposes.

But the truth is that the message and the warning it contains will not change anything. The original message has no legal value and re-sharing it does not represent any objection to Meta’s policies.

The company offers a way to opt out of how Facebook and Instagram’s data is used. But even then, there’s no way to guarantee that Meta will actually do anything about it.

The post recently made the rounds on Instagram, apparently taking advantage of concerns over Meta’s artificial intelligence tools. The company is taking a keen interest in artificial intelligence, particularly through new technologies that would exploit users’ personal information.

These technologies and the data used to form and inform them are governed by Meta’s terms of use, which each user accepts when registering. These terms clearly state that Meta has permission to use photos and videos, for example, which is necessary to be able to show them to other users.

Despite these existing conditions, the message shared on Instagram claims that it is possible to revoke authorization to use “information and photos.”

“Goodbye Meta Al,” the message read. “Please note that a lawyer has advised us to post this statement online, as failure to do so may result in legal consequences. As Meta is now a public entity, all members are required to post a similar statement.”

“If you don’t post at least once, it will be assumed that you agree to them using your information and photos. I do not authorize Meta or anyone else to use my personal data, profile information or photos.”

But posting such an image on Instagram has no legal value. Furthermore, Meta could not comply with the message, because it must use “personal data, profile information or photos” to be able to provide its service.

Meta’s terms and conditions make it clear that you can terminate the agreement, but only by deleting an account. “If you delete or we deactivate or delete your account, these terms and conditions will end as an agreement between you and us,” the terms and conditions state, though they make it clear that some parts, such as those relating to how disputes would be resolved, remain in effect even after that.

Even more helpful, the company offers a way to object to data processing. On its website, it explains how users in the EU and UK can use local data regulations to formally “opt out” of how their information is being used. Whether it will honor the objection and stop processing the data is up to Meta, but it offers a more concrete way to respond to the company’s policies.