
As Hurricane Helene bears down, here’s how to pack a disaster go bag

As Hurricane Helene bears down, here’s how to pack a disaster go bag

In the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster, the US Department of Homeland Security recommends that you prepare a go bag filled with necessities in case you have to quickly evacuate your home.

No one is immune to natural disasters, which include hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and man-made disasters like chemical spills or explosions.

Should a storm or any other disaster endanger your family and house, would you be prepared? You might have to stay indoors to stay safe, depending on the type of disaster you’re dealing with. You might need to leave your house for other reasons.

In the event of a disaster, you may want to have the following items ready in your go bag:

What to pack in a go bag

Typically, a go bag is a compact, light backpack that you can quickly grab and head out the door. Personal care products, food, water, and toiletries should be included.

This is how you set up your kit:

What type of bag to use?

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Select a lightweight, compact, and portable bag. Another option would be a lightweight suitcase with wheels, however, keep in mind that you might be sprinting when you carry this luggage!

Essential items for cleanliness and safety

Keep electronics on hand:

Take advantage of your devices only when necessary. In case you need to report a life-threatening situation, always have your phone close at hand. To ensure that lines are available for emergency responders, try not to use your phone.

Personal items:

Dress in layers that you can easily add or remove according to the temperature. It’s wise to plan for any kind of weather. Add personal hygiene products, an extra pair of glasses, insect repellent, matches, a multipurpose tool or pocketknife, and a first aid kit with any prescription medications.

If there is a widespread power outage and credit cards are not accepted, keep emergency cash and change on hand. In addition, don’t forget the keys to your cars and home.

Water and food:

Bottled water is a must. You should have enough food and drink for each individual to last at least one day. Because they are compact and small, nonperishable meals like energy bars and granola are a good option.

Copies of important documents:

Keep photocopies of important household documents such as proof of address, driver’s license, insurance, adoption papers, or naturalization certificates. Include copies of your Social Security cards, medical records, and credit card information. They should be stored in a waterproof bag.

Be sure to check out the Red Cross Emergency Library for safety checklists and more information.

Shelter-in-place supplies

You should have supplies in your emergency kit that can last up to two weeks if you plan to shelter in place. Foodstuffs (dried and canned), water, prescription drugs, first aid supplies, cleaning and disinfection supplies for the home, and personal hygiene products have to be available. A sizable plastic container can be used to hold supplies, which can then be placed in an accessible location.

Pick a safe place with few windows and doors to shelter in. Stay inside your shelter location until officials say the danger has passed.

If you have a portable generator for power outages, never run it inside your house or connected garage. Always keep it outside. Carbon monoxide – a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas – is dangerous and kills more than 150 people a year.

Making disaster plans for your pets, too

In an emergency, pets should never be left behind. They will likely get hurt, lost, or worse. Making a pet emergency pack in advance will be helpful.

Make sure every pet has a carrier that is tagged with their name and contact details. Stock up on food and water for a minimum of two weeks, as well as poop bags for dogs and cat litter.

Make sure to have copies of pets’ medical records, which include vaccination status for rabies and other diseases. It’s a good idea to practice an evacuation including your pets so everyone knows what to do.

Take precautions when traveling during an evacuation

If circumstances require you to leave your home, try to keep calm. Unplug major electrical equipment such as televisions and small appliances. Do not unplug your refrigerator or freezer unless there is a flood risk. And don’t forget to secure your home by locking all the doors and windows.

Pack go bags for each family member in advance and don’t forget your pets. Stay alert and don’t drive aggressively. Follow all traffic signs and resist the urge to speed – a car accident will only delay your evacuation.

Helping young children cope in an emergency

Start by talking with your kids about the type of disaster that is likely to happen in your area and why it’s important to have a plan for staying safe. Answer their questions honestly, but keep details age-appropriate.

Younger kids might have questions about what causes natural disasters, and you can research the answers together. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website can help you navigate this conversation and find kid-appropriate information about what type of natural disasters you should prepare for based on where you live.

Staying safe in a public shelter

If a disaster does require you to evacuate your home, identify places you could go to in an emergency, such as a friend’s house in another town, a motel, or a public shelter.

If you decide on a public shelter, find out if it’s open and has space available. Be sure to check if they accept pets, as needed.

At a shelter, maintain space between you and those who aren’t in your immediate family. Avoid touching surfaces such as handrails as much as possible. Remember to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizers after touching surfaces. Try to keep your living space clean.

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CONTRIBUTING Anna Kaufman, Javier Zarracina and Shawn J. Sullivan

SOURCE American Red Cross; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;; Belfor Property Restoration