
Linn-Mar LGBTQ+ students targeted with slurs, box cutter in alleged parade incident

Linn-Mar LGBTQ+ students targeted with slurs, box cutter in alleged parade incident

Linn-Mar Community Schools’ homecoming parade turned hostile for members of the school’s LGBTQ+ group, Spectrum, who were allegedly targeted by hate speech and violence, according to a public Facebook post from a parent.

Jennifer Pitkin, the mother of one of the students involved, described the incident in a post shared Wednesday, claiming her daughter and other Spectrum members were subjected to slurs and insults while marching in the parade. Pitkin further alleged that someone threw an open box cutter at the students, narrowly missing her 15-year-old daughter, Ava.

“My 15-year-old just experienced what, frankly, is a hate crime,” Pitkin wrote in the post. “She just wanted to support her friends and family in the community, but instead was met with hatred.”

Pitkin’s account claims that as the students, around 15 in total, walked in the parade, they were met with derogatory remarks from bystanders.

“One small child walked up to Ava and said, ‘Get your queer a** out of here,’” Pitkin wrote. “Another said, ‘My pronouns are U*S*A.’ Another shouted, ‘I’m a homophobe!’”

Pitkin shared in her post a photo of a box cutter she said was thrown at the group, expressing disbelief that such an incident occurred in broad daylight during a school event. “Someone threw an open, extended box cutter, a knife at children because they’re walking in an LGBTQ+ group,” she said. “This is in broad daylight, among hundreds of people.”

The post quickly gained traction, with many community members expressing outrage and support for the Spectrum students. “I’m sorry they had to experience some of the worst humans on earth today,” one commenter wrote. “Oh my absolute god. I’m sitting in tears for those brave souls.” wrote another.

“I was driving the float for Spectrum and I noticed a student in front of us that was carrying our banner saying ‘Hey, pick that pick that up,'” said Kathryn Power, the faculty advisor of Spectrum. “It was a box cutter thrown at our group as we drove by. At that time, I think they all tried to put on a brave face and be strong and support each other as they do all the time. As time goes on, it wear on you.”

Marion Police Department confirmed to Iowa’s News Now that a report has been filed and an investigation is underway. MPD also confirmed they received a tip from the FBI about a possible hate crime.

Linn-Mar Community School District said in an emailed statement Monday afternoon that the homecoming parade events saddened them and they’re working with local police in the investigation.

“We were saddened to learn that an otherwise spectacular Homecoming parade last evening was disrupted by a few individuals who elected to harass, ridicule, and throw objects at some of our students in the Linn-Mar Spectrum parade entry. This behavior is unacceptable and does not reflect the values ​​of our district.

District staff reached out today to reassure the students in our Spectrum organization of our continued support, and are partnering with law enforcement on its investigation into these events. We are dedicated to ensuring that all students feel safe, respected, and valued, and will not condone actions that threaten them.”

This isn’t the first time Linn-Mar Community Schools has faced challenges regarding LGBTQ+ policies. Just in the last few years, the district was involved in a legal battle over a policy protecting transgender students, sparking protests and debates. And though that policy was ultimately rescinded, the issue of inclusivity in the district remains a hot topic.

“Words have power to hurt and to heal and to bring love and I would hope that they would think next time before they act so negatively,” Power said. “I don’t think hate should ever be normalized. Do I think the students can handle it? I don’t think they should have to.”

The city of Marion also released a statement, saying in part:

“We want residents and visitors to feel safe, secure and welcome in Marion. The actions of a few during yesterday’s Homecoming parade do not speak for our community… Acts of discrimination will not be tolerated and, together, we must work to create a place where people of all cultures and identities can thrive.”

Iowa Safe Schools also released a statement in response to the incident.

“Iowa Safe Schools is utterly disturbed at what occurred at Linn Mar’s homecoming parade,” Iowa Safe Schools’ Executive Director Becky Tayler said. No students should ever be made to feel unwelcome – let alone in fear for their safety. The hostile environment surrounding LGBTQ youth, fostered in-part by legislators at the Iowa State Capitol, has enabled these vile acts. It is reprehensible that this bullying behavior continues to trickle down into our communities. Iowa Safe Schools stands with Spectrum and LGBTQ students at Linn-Mar. organization would like to thank Linn-Mar Community Schools for its swift condemnation of this incident as well as local law enforcement as they investigate these events. The Iowa Safe Schools team is working to connect with the students affected by this appalling incident to ensure that they. are safe and supported.

CR Pride also responded to the incident in a Facebook post Thursday, saying it’s upset to learn of the incident.

CR Pride was upset to learn of incidents that occurred towards the Linn-Mar Spectrum group while participating in the Linn-Mar Homecoming parade.

We want it to be known that CR Pride stands in solidarity with Spectrum following the harassment they experienced at the Homecoming Parade. While the investigation continues into the events that occurred, we should all agree that no one should face hatred for living authentically or for showing their support to the LGBTQIA+ community. Linn-Mar Spectrum, your bravery is a beacon of strength, and we remain committed to promoting love, acceptance, and respect for all. We hope you’ll join us at the Halloween parade in October to show love and respect to all. Our community will not give in to hate.

CR Pride said incidents like these can have a lasting impact, and highlighted the following resources for those who need it:

  • Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 (24/7 LGBTQ+ crisis support)
  • Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
  • Iowa Helpline: 1-855-800-1239