
Animal-Assisted Therapy Announces 2025 Classes

Animal-Assisted Therapy Announces 2025 Classes

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – On Friday, TheraPet invited everyone to join their Cuddles with Cookies event, both to spend time with some of the certified dogs and to learn more about the classes they will offer in 2025.

These courses include TheraPet 101, intended to teach puppies 10 weeks and older the basics of therapy work, and TheraPet Skills, which culminates in a temperament test and potential certification.

“I always tell people that you will never regret taking a class with your dog. This is simply not the case. Your dog will learn to trust you more. You will trust your dog more,” said general manager Elysia Reineck.

Each course costs $125 for new students.

Some visited the association to spend time with the dogs. Mom Rebecca Wilderness used the event to expose her 10-month-old son to dogs in a safe environment.

“It gives me the opportunity to, you know, help my child learn how to interact with other animals that aren’t just my animals and will tolerate whatever he does,” Wilderness said. “Different animals do different things, and this is a really safe space to do it.”

TheraPets visit hospitals, schools, prisons and more throughout East Texas to provide comfort and a calming presence.

“People can be sitting at home with a dog on the couch next to them and think, ‘You know what? My dog ​​loves meeting people and I want to get more involved with the community and find a way to serve East Texas. What better way to do it than alongside your best friend? » asked Reineck.

For more information, click here.