
Disgraced former New York COVID czar committed perjury to push vaccine mandates: critics

Disgraced former New York COVID czar committed perjury to push vaccine mandates: critics

New York’s disgraced former COVID czar Dr. Jay Varma may have perjured himself by repeatedly testifying under oath that vaccination is the only way to stop the spread of the coronavirus, critics said .

Varma, who served as senior health advisor to former Mayor Bill de Blasio during the heart of the pandemic – and was caught in a recently released hidden camera video bragging about attending sex parties fueled by drugs during the pandemic – admitted in the footage that natural immunity to the deadly virus is as effective as the vaccine.

Dr. Jay Varma, former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s senior health advisor during COVID, was overheard saying the vaccine “makes no difference.” SigaTech/X

“It makes no difference,” Varma said in one clip, after a woman he was speaking to claimed to know people who would not have sex with unvaccinated partners.

“Everyone has been exposed to the virus. Whether you are exposed to the virus because it was breathed into you or because it was injected into you. It’s the same immune response.

Varma said that because everyone has already been exposed to the virus, it doesn’t matter if you get injected with it. P.A.

However, while testifying on behalf of the city in multiple lawsuits filed by businesses and former city employees opposing COVID-related mandates, Varma sang different tunes.

“The COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to provide people who have previously been infected with COVID-19 with greater protection against reinfection,” Varma said in an October 2021 affidavit.

Councilwoman Joann (R-Queens) accused Varma of perjuring himself — and, in doing so, deliberately spreading misinformation to promote vaccination mandates that ultimately put many New Yorkers out of work.

“Dr. Varma swore under oath that the vaccine was the most effective way to prevent the spread of new strains of COVID, but in the captured footage he privately acknowledges that there was, in reality, no difference between vaccinations and natural immunity,” said Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R). -Queens)

Councilwoman Joann Ariola said Varma swore under oath that the vaccine was the most effective way to stop the virus. FACEBOOK Joann Ariola NYC Council District 32

“This is real perjury. . . a perjury that cost thousands of lives – and he must be held accountable for his actions.

Varma could not be reached for comment, but in a previous statement he said the footage posted by podcaster Steven Crowder was “stitched together, diced and taken out of context.”