
Litter of orphaned puppies no one wanted until a good Samaritan called rescuers for help

Litter of orphaned puppies no one wanted until a good Samaritan called rescuers for help

In San Timoteo Canyon, near Redlands, California, rescuers Faith Easdale and Jim Ralston of the Dream Fetchers Organization received an urgent message about two puppies in serious danger. A good Samaritan reported seeing three puppies for weeks, hiding in the orange groves deep in the trees, trying to hide from predators.

The two rescuers arrived and set a humanitarian trap. It was a local farmer who fed them and hoped they would survive. Although he reportedly called animal services for help, officers appeared unmotivated to search for the puppies and, according to the Good Samaritan, made no effort to save the puppies.

Faith was simply heartbroken:

there had been three, and we were told the coyotes had taken the other one. I can’t imagine being terrified sitting in a bush watching a coyote kill your brother.

The two puppies stuck very close together and even went into the trap together. They were so small and helpless, but for two weeks they took up residence in this tangle of bushes.

Watch their rescue video here, but don’t stop reading yet!

A day later, rescuers received another call. The two rescued puppies had other siblings; apparently there were three others who remained hidden. They lived in the same bush, in the orange groves; they did their best to stay hidden from the coyotes. They had already seen one of their litters killed.

Once again, the Good Samaritan was very worried; one of the puppies was almost hit by a vehicle. They are puppies; how would they have any experience to survive? Fortunately, Jim and Faith managed to trap the other three.

They are all so small. I can’t believe someone could be so cruel, even after witnessing so much sadness and abuse over the years. All we can do is save those we are able to.

And now these puppies can live. Imagine that their lives will soon include lots of cuddles, lots of fetch, and cuddles with kids who love their dogs.

These last three puppies were named Sweet Potato, Pumpkin Pie and Olive. Welcome to your new life, precious puppies.

Watch their rescue video:

Please help these rescuers with donations. The money goes towards car fees, supplies, vet fees and all expenses associated with driving to these remote destinations to help these innocent souls who have been ignored, discarded or missing.

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