
Best Shasta Daisies: 10 Varieties to Add Cheerfulness to a Garden

Best Shasta Daisies: 10 Varieties to Add Cheerfulness to a Garden

The Evolution of Shasta Daisies, Leucanthemumbegan with American plant breeding pioneer Luther Burbank. He is said to have introduced about 800 different new plant varieties, including the first thornless blackberry, he worked for many years developing these large-flowered, golden-eyed white daisies and named them Shasta daisies for the snow-capped peak of Mount Shasta in northern California.

Burbank introduced its first Shasta daisy in 1901, and since then more and more varieties have been developed on both sides of the Atlantic, with the best available to American gardeners.

Now there are not only single-flowering varieties of these hardy zone 3 to 5 perennials with flowers like huge daisies, but also double forms, shaggy and frilly forms, flower-centered varieties anemone and some with creamy or even bright yellow petals. now available. Here we feature 10 of the best Shasta daisies.

Shasta Platforms

(Image credit: Alamy)

10 of the Best Shasta Daisies for Your Garden