FlatCubes in Speed ​​Networks: Who SWOOFLE and MEET GERMANY redefines the event experience

The events industry has a new networking star: the FlatCubes from SWOOFLE Mietmöbel. During the Jüngsten MEET GERMANY Summit, Georg Winkel, CEO of SWOOFLE Manufaktur, introduced an innovative Speed ​​Network Concept, which created new highlights for Besucher and Aussteller.

Flexibility in the kitchen: the Vielseitigkeit of FlatCubes



With 150 FlatCubes for most parts in the courses, we will carry out the SWOOFLE-Würfeln runs without new couplings and the new Speed-Pitchings concept. “Dieses über über 150 bunte Sitzwürfel von SWOOFLE vor Ort. That Best? Test out Georg’s Vorschlag: Speedpitching at the SWOOFLE-Würfeln!” by Tanja Schramm, CEO of MEET GERMANY, begeistert. These formats are light in nature, a great logistical revival of the dynamic group and the way in which the FlatCubes orient themselves – a concept, the display and the Event Flow at a new level.

More like Networking: The FlatCubes at various events

Add the potential of FlatCubes to the Speed ​​Networks. Because we are flexible in integrating event formats, the organizers of the organization were ready. Van Lounge-Ecken und interactive Workshop-Bereichen bis zu farblich markierten Themengruppen: The FlatCubes fit so quickly and uncomplicated with your ordering. With the passing of other activities, you can purchase your favorite lounges for informative conversations or separate business zones, in the creative creative groups that work intensively in the east of the country.

Gerade at networking events has created the FlatCubes as an insecure connection so that the spontaneous collaboration partners can develop and develop good interaction. Think about a creative approach with spontaneous “Open-Mic” scenes, the idea of ​​an idea, or a burning scene that underlines another marker presence. When setting up FlatCubes as a build plate or solar panel, Mark can be flexible in the set – perfect for sponsors and partners who are flexible and brand-friendly.

Georg Winkel sees that Konzept has a greater Schritt for the Future of Event Planning: “The flexibility and flexibility of the FlatCubes from SWOOFLE offers a platform for a new format and inspiring event planning, creative solutions to create, which became the beds of the Teilnehmer court .“ The FlatCubes will make a mistake in the atmosphere of the events, which are an event for your teilnehmer might.

Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung: More comfort and new options

The sequel to the FlatCubes motivates SWOOFLE Mietmöbel zur Weiterentwicklung. So said that Georg Winkel’s team gave the feedback of the feedback: a few of the smaller or smaller Ablageflächen, an aspect, the SWOOFLE is larger, a flexibility and practical ability of the FlatCubes are still so extensive. It may be that the most festive group during the Marking or the Sitzplätze does not oversee the events and shape them effectively.

Watch the FlatCubes live during the MEET GERMANY Summits 2025

Loading SWOOFLE and MEET GERMANY If all goes well, the FlatCubes and their many options will allow you to start your own years later. The deadline for the MEET GERMANY Summits 2025 stehen bereits fest:

26. & 27. März – Bavaria
7. & 08. May – TOP Berlin
August 20 and 21 – TOP Rhein-Main (FORUM in Frankfurt)
September 17 – TOP Select Hamburg
08. & 09. October – TOP NRW (FORUM in Cologne)
November 25 – SUMMIT Select Baden-Württemberg (FORUM in Stuttgart)

If you are in the right place, the FlatCubes from SWOOFLE and the innovative Eventkonzept are available live. Once you know that networking has been redefined, and you will be inspired, as SWOOFLE revolutionizes the events world.


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