
Warm-up police in the test: Nur eine Versicherung is good

Warm-up police in the test: Nur eine Versicherung is good

The heat pump is intended for Witterungen geschützt signals.

(dpa)The heat pump is intended for Witterungen geschützt signals.

Hail, Blitz, Vandalismus – Hot pumps are very risky. A diversification can help finance the financial burden of avoidance. But the police stopped, it was wasted.

Haben Sie Ihre Warmepumpe beim Security protection invented? If the device costs more and more euros, it will often happen that you leave the houses. The fact is that there is a violent attack – from Witterung about diebstahl and vandalism in his Tierbissen. Owners and owners have no choice but to ensure that housing associations have a single new information facility and draw attention to the pump.

The Zeitschrift “Finanztest” (published 12/2024) has 56 instructions for the heat pump under the water. This is the case: After 31 days of running the tester’s mental tests, the 25 remaining versions remain stopped for a small empfehlenswert.

If the company works with Wohngebäudetarifen von Arag (Recht & Heim Premium), GEV (Home Max as well as Protect + Premium) and Allianz (Komfort) for three days, the Versicherungsschutz for the Wärmepomp is included. In most Wohngebäudeversicherungen, the police of 19 Euro per year (Huk 24 and Huk-Coburg, jewelry Wohngebäude Classic and Classic Plus) is one of the most appreciated Zusatzbausteiner. Schluss is in the first test for 343 euros per year for the Zusatzbaustein.

Darauf sollten Sie unbedingt eighten

Wessen-wohngebäudeversicherer can make a suitable Schutz connection, the hot water pump can be placed at a separate distance. The only empfehlenswerte tariff in the test comes for 70 euros from the Signal Iduna (Smart Home). There is a damage case at the Abwicklung with the versicherer that may have a problem with the ‘Finanztest’, but the Wohngebäudeversicherer will be used in this way. So it can happen that the versicherer gets the Verantwortung-zuschieben.

If you appeal eight times to a number of verbrauchers and verbrauchers, if you own a faust on that kind of nach an empfehlenswerten Tariff machen wollen?

Follow the next steps that the police “Finanztest” follows:

  • Fire, Blitzschlag, Überspannung, Explosion und Implosion, Leitungswasser, Sturm und Hagel
  • Elementargefahren wie Überschwemmung, Rückstau, Schneedruck und Avalanches
  • Damages by Wasser, Feuchtigkeit, Frost and Eisgang
  • grossly responsible for the recovery of the consequences
  • Operational skills, unsachgemäße Handhabung anyway Ungeschicklichkeit
  • Construction, material or Ausführungsfehler
  • Diebstahl, Einbruchdiebstahl, Plünderung und Vorsatz Dritter
  • Vandalism, sabotage
  • Tierbisse
  • Damages by Kurzschluss, Überstrom and Überspannung
  • Teilnahme am kostenlosen Schlichtungsverfahren des Ombudsmanns