
WDR-Sport: TT-Pokal: Kölner Viertelfinal-Aus vs. Saarbrücken

WDR-Sport: TT-Pokal: Kölner Viertelfinal-Aus vs. Saarbrücken

Status: 16.11.2024 11:37 am

The match has been postponed: Zweitligist 1. FC Köln is due to attend the 1. FC Saarbrücken meeting.

The “Effzeh” comes from the Bundesliga favorites in the Freitagabend glatt with 0:3. Tobias Hippler (against Darko Jorgic) and Florian Cnudde (against Eduard Ionescu) lost their German game jewels 0:3. The 18-year-old Senkrecht starter Andre Bertelsmeier is dependent on Yuto Muramatsu in 1:3 of a single Satzgewin.

“All Kölner können Tischtennis play, trainieren zu wie ourse Jungs. Aber keine Frage, wir sind der können Favorit en gehen auch mit breiter Brust an den Tisch”, said Saarbrücken’s Sports Leader Nicolas Barrois for the Partie deutlich gemacht, das Spiel nicht auf the light Schulter will be worn.

Bertelsmeier said good things to Muramatsu

Bereits im first Duell des Abends zischen Bertelsmeier and Muramatsu were the Japanese seiner Favoritenrolle dish and went 2:0 in Front, during the first Satz with 11:9 a handsome Angelegenheit war. After Bertelsmeiers had played the Kölner kurz Hoffnung, the punk started working with Muramatsu at 11:9.

“It’s a big damage, I’ve never been that old, I was lucky with the opportunity four times, in a nice Saturday,” Bertelsmeier said after the game. “If there were any problems, we would lose them, even if we were not able to do so, we could be happy with more people. It is very natural for us to be alive”, so this is a great talent.

Owner Zuschauerrecord

Für reine Freude hatte in Köln hinges der good Besuch der Partie gesorgt. The club war was extra sucked into the impressively large Sports Hall of the ASV Köln, including more places and in its own Halle zur Verfügung stands. Such a proposition of the “Tischtennis-Effzeh” with 712 Zuschauern a new Vereinsrekord auf (previous Bestmarke 425 Zuschauer).

“In our normal Hall, we were able to enjoy the next day”, said FC Executive Director Gianluca Walther for the party, a new best mark could be presented, it was now important

Final four in Neu-Ulm

The Saarländer now sees the Final Four (04.01.25) in Neu-Ulm ein, the Bundesligisten Werder Bremen, TTF Ochsenhausen and TTC OE Bad Homburg are ready. Titelträger Borusia Düsseldorf war preparedness in Achtelfinal are the current Tablelenführer of the Bundesliga Fulda-Maberzell separated.

The Kölner can now go to the 2. Bundesliga competition. The Tables were completed at the end of the day with the Vorletzten FSV Mainz an (1 p.m.).