Council to Consider Budget Increase to .2 Million for Skaha Splash Park Replacement – Penticton News

Council to Consider Budget Increase to $1.2 Million for Skaha Splash Park Replacement – Penticton News

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The team will ask Penticton City Council to approve a budget increase for the Skaha Splash Park replacement on Tuesday, as costs have already doubled.

Kristen Dixon, general manager of infrastructure for the city, said staff proposed redirecting some of the growing communities funding originally set aside for yet-to-be-determined North Gateway initiatives to address the funding gap and allow the project to proceed.

“Skaha Splash Park is an important amenity within Skaha Park and the team recommends proceeding with the current design that was developed in conjunction with the En’owkin Center,” Dixon said in a press release.

The city said the RFP for construction and installation has closed and, similar to other recently acquired projects, total project costs are “significantly higher than initially anticipated due to rapidly increasing costs of labor, equipment and materials in recent years”.

The revised total project budget is estimated at approximately $1.2 million, compared to the current approved budget of $600,000.

The city hopes to complete the project before next summer.

Because 20 percent of the Growing Communities Fund funds were allocated to existing projects that may require changes due to inflation, the council will be asked to consider transferring some of the funds from the 30 percent allocated to North Gateway projects.

Dixon is asking the Council to approve reallocating $1.6 million from the North Gateway initiatives to the inflationary allocation.

“As the city continues to face inflationary pressures, reallocating this money would support the renovation of the Skaha Splash pad, as well as support other capital projects facing higher costs than anticipated since budget adoption,” Dixon added.

“The reduced appropriation would still ensure there is funding available for strategic initiatives at North Gateway over the next several years.”

Council will consider the request at Tuesday’s meeting. The full report can be viewed at

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