Empörung nach Messages about some small plants FDP-Ausstieg

Politiker from SPD and Grünen criticize the FDP after reports about the Ausstiegspläne aus der Ampel. The issue of the exchange of paper with the damage to the Financial Minister Christian Lindner Anfang November is incorrect.

The SPD representative and the Greens responded to a press release, while the FDP spent a few minutes from the Ampel Coalition. “Verantwortung als Fremdwort, Bösartigkeit als Methode“, wrote Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil (SPD) in Online-Dienst

Scharfe Kritik kam von den Grünen. “If you have praised the FDP Führung de Koalitionsbruch, then it is less good that Ampel’s achievements in the three-year declarations appear,” said Irene Mihalic, the parliamentary Geschäftsführerin der Bundestagsfraktion, dieser Zeitung. The director told the FDP princes and former Federal Finance Ministers: “If our country, the economy and the citizens and citizens were useful, they would not have played a role, but they were the best of the FDP and for all Christian Lindner.”

The Freitagabend can let the “Zeit” and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” about a Reihe van Treffen-führender FDP-Vertreter message, in the end of September the registration of the Regie can be done. In the messages you will find a “Drehbuch” for the Regierungsturz die Rede. Both media were followed by the Ausstiegsprojekt intern Project “D-Day” generated. The starting point is a meeting on September 29 in the Räumen of the FDP-nahen Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in Potsdam, where the FDP minister is threatened.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has declared the planned “schäbig” and “an uncontrolled Enttäuschung”. It is “a man who has a poverty,” it is written on X. “With a partei dare man nicht regieren.” Kanzleramtsminister Wolfgang Schmidt (SPD) responds to the “SZ” message in the online service with a cursing “Aha”.

An unimportant version of the Treffen is given

The text of the message contains detailed versions of the Verlauf and Character of the Meetings. After a Fassung, the party leader Christian Lindner will now have a Stimmungsbild and discuss more Szenarien. After others of the Darstellung, an Entscheidung fell on September 29, the Ampel-Koalitie has been.

The FDP chief responded to Samstag with a rhetorical excerpt from the previous one: “Wo ist die Nachricht?”, said Lindner. Auch Kanzler Olaf Scholz had his time during the summer of his – Lindners – Rauswurf nachgedacht. Self-service elements are one of the main things slowing down the coalition. Part of the FDP’s task in view of the demise of the Monats is “ever more and in different cases a better management of the government”. “Selbstverständlich wurden immer wieder Szenarien erwogen und Stimmungsbilder eingeholt.”

With zum Koalitionsbruch beige lagen is a cover Wirtschaftswende-Papierwhen Anfang November could no longer become a war. Lindner, as neither damals nor finance minister, has established a Forderungen government in 18 years, the SPD and the Greens as provocation funds. Politics has taken the lead, the stop has been shifted for the SPD, which has influenced the government leaders and the only course in climate politics.

Laut “Zeit” has had a high FDP-Runde relations at the end of September, a cousin of some political policy concepts has started. The investigation into WELT AM SONNTAG is an excerpt from the Freidedemocraten, which may cause the problem Wirtschaftswende-Papier in a number of new sources of useless financial ministers.

On November 3, the editorial staff began submitting a response to the ministerium. On November 11, Minister Jörg Kukies (SPD) said in an answer to the answer to Mr van de Frage’s question on November 11, “who is recognized by the Frage, we will certainly wait and who will long with the Konzeptpaper befasst war, nicht present past”.

The paper, i.e. the ministerium, will go “offensive from the unmittelbaren Kreis des Ministers” a personal deliberation whether the government bonds are made on the basis of the concept.

The Ministerium hat “keine Aufzeichnungen”

“In particular, the Einholung der Auskünfte daran, dass es schlichtweg keine Aufzeichnungen diebezüglich gibt”, thus the Ministerium per Schriftsatz. You can’t seem to find any personal source of information.

An FDP representative who had prepared himself for battle has exterminated Lindner as minister “for decisions in the Federal Government”. At the time when the F Cabinet took office, a paper was issued at the end of September that its “keine parteirunde” gewesen, under a regularity of the Meetings of the FDP Cabinet Organization for the Coordination of the Regional Police.

Does the WELT investigation team plan to find out what happened? Then reports Sie sich gerne, auch vertraulich – by email or the different Messenger Threema (8SNK792J).

with AFP/dpa