Tödlicher Unfall on L111: Kleinbus-Lenker is involved in a crash in Glemmtal

Von L111 arrived

Tödlicher Unfall between Maishofen and Viehhofen



Ums Leben has become a small bus-fahrer at an Unfall-zwischen Maishofen and Viehhofen in the Glemmtal. (SYMBOL)

The verunglückt is a small van with a fall on the L111 in Maishofen and Viehhofen. Der 35 years ago, the Samstagnachmittag nor one of the Unfallstelle seinen schweren Verletzungen.

A visit to the Traffic Sunfall is the Samstagnachmittag on the Glemmtal Landesstraße (L111) between Maishofen and Viehhofen (Pinzgau). A small van can still put Ursache von der Straße in a grab. The 35-year-old Lenker from Ungarn is one of the many victims.

For the Mann you comb Hilfe zu spät. A second person is one of the people not involved, a police preference is given.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24/APA)

Received on 16.11.2024 at 05:21 on