
Tapfheimer Kürbis-Champion strives for Weltrekord

Tapfheimer Kürbis-Champion strives for Weltrekord

During those years, someone else can take the next step at the Kürbis-Europameisterschaft. Wobei, fell out with Luca Stöckl Tapfheim the Rens are a powerful source of power for the continents. If you have a setzte, you are zwungenermaßen. Dennoch: There is war with everything that is different in puncto Kürbis.

Enjoy the EM Title in the Nachbarland Belgien. With a few wights and barrels Exemplar hat sich Kürbiszüchter Mario van Geel at the Europameesterschaften in Kürbiswiegen in Ludwigsburg at Stuttgart durchgesetzt: 1152 Kilogramm brought from Geels Kürbis auf die Waage – was noch een bisschen more ist as es 2023 at Luca Stöckls Tapfheimer Exemplar der Fall gewesen war. 1041.5 Kilogram wog die Donau-Rieser Frucht.

Heuer had the Studium Vorrang for the kürbis

I have worked with the editorial articles, there is a heuer schlichtweg that has no time for that EM. The Studium der Biotechnologie in Freising and Diesem depends on a Bachelor’s degree that has not been studied. Previouss During your stay in Tapfheim and during your travels and commute Let’s see what your thoughts are about kümmern. Four got into the car for a piece of fruit. In Tapfheim, when the Züchten are now more gewesen, we will see the Gewächshaus with a 200 Quadratmeter with a Verfügung-gestellt hat.

Because Luca Stöckl also looked forward to training this year. With a weight of 688 kilos, examples of the Tapfheimer student who lived in the Austrian State Masters. Immerhin jumped onto a beachy spot on the Platz.

“Ein bisschen verrückt muss man schon sein”, says the Kürbis-Champ

“Man must have a bisschen verrückt with his hobby,” said Stöckl and continued: “Aber jeder ist auf seine Art verrückt.” Beim Kürbiszüchten komme es indes allein auf die Größe an. “This is the largest fruit dies planets”, statement from the experienced biotechnologist. If there is an opaque display of the fruit or the manipulation, it is all “a fascinating experience”.

The example is the same when it comes to shooting, the fall is not a problem, so the young Tapfheimer, is whole in the future: “The costs are good, that is the nature of the beauty.” With good friends, it is about 960 kilos of energy and a boot is built, we are living with it Main problem If you lie there, “the thing will be better.”

The Kürbis-Community work for the good Zweck

The core of the super kürbisse can no longer work. The Kürbis-Community allotment is mainly for the gutenzweck, or one with the one nahmen that finances the financial sector.

From Luca Stöckl wieder at an EM antritt? Wer weiß, what is clear is the matter. Der Tapfheimer said clearly and German: “I will win the Weltrekord.” Deceased: In Stöckl’s Bachelor-Arbeit in Fach Biotechnologie it was not about a Kürbisse, like a Tomatoes. About 80 years ago it was a fact that the university would offer the university a major reform organization.