
Crash in Gropiusstadt! Audi power in Betonmauer

Crash in Gropiusstadt! Audi power in Betonmauer

The Audi lands in the Mauer at the Unfall in Berlin-Gropiusstadt

The Audi lands in the Mauer at the Unfall in Berlin-Gropiusstadt Photo: Pudwell

Von of the BZ Editorial

Traffic Sunfall in the Night at Sunntag in Berlin-Gropiusstadt!

The 2.40 Uhr force on the Kreuzung Löwensteinring / Fritz-Erler-Allee in the Neuköllner Ortsteil Gropiusstadt is an Audi SUV that is a Smart.

If the Smart is hit in the Heck and if the Audi races on the Bürgersteig, you can get a huge Betonmauer and how to do it!

The Berliner Feuerwehr räumte de Unfallstelle und band auslaufende Betriebsflüssigkeiten mit Bindemittel ab.

It is the Unfall-damaged Smart

It is the Unfall-damaged Smart Photo: Pudwell

Die Insassen hatten offenbar Glück: First of all, please follow up on this accident and no one will be seriously missed. A Rettungswagen-Besatzung focuses on the most sensible people, there is no one in the Krankenhaus.

Einsatzkrafte der Berliner Polizei cast the Unfall on a fragmented Sows. They will avoid accidents without delay. The Fritz-Erler-Allee is muscular for more than 60 minutes in Goldammerstraße and Lipschitzallee.


Automatic accident
Berlin Police
Traffic sunset