
Rumänische Fans Provozier With «Serbian»-Schlachtrufen Spielabbruch against Kosovo

Rumänische Fans Provozier With «Serbian»-Schlachtrufen Spielabbruch against Kosovo

The Sicherheitskräfte is in the Bucharest Stadium.
The Sicherheitskräfte is in the Bucharest Stadium.


I am in Nations-League-Duell in the Rumänien and dem Kosovo come es kurz for Schluss with a game with Spielabbruch. Die Fussballer der Gäste verlassen in der Nachspielzeit geschlossen das Feld.

Messages responding to the Kosovar provocations of the Romanian fans, who anticipate the Tribünen «Serbian» massacre. UEFA issued a challenge after the start of the match, the game ends play.

UEFA has never discussed a detail, but it is no longer the case.

In TV broadcasts, the war is going on, with the game and betting of Kosovan teams playing so many doubles towards the fans. These symbols are of Albanian national identity and are often used by ethnic Albanians, a secret verbundenheit. Viele Serbs came from the Doppeladler between the Verlustigig van de Kosovo-Kriegs 1998 tot 1999 en de Abspaltung des Kosovo von Serbia.

The Kosovo team and the German coach Franco Foda, from 2022 at FC Zurich, lost after minutes of discussions with the Schiedsrichter in the eight minutes of the nachspielzeit – which was actually four minutes of sollen – to a score of 0:0 the inside and in the Cabin. There was a trio of a stunde-später who went to the Rumänen vom Platz; after one of the losses during the match at the Stadium.