
Tragödie in NRW: Sechs Tote nach Frontal-Crash!

Tragödie in NRW: Sechs Tote nach Frontal-Crash!

At night you see a person during an autumn Sunday in the Münsterland. (Symbol image)

At night you see a person during an autumn holiday in the Münsterland. (Symbol image) © Marijan Murat/dpa

Thats Unlucky We spent 2.40 hours on the Gronauer Straße in the Kleinstadt Ochtrup, near the Dutch border.

You can find a number of Bahnüberggangs zwei Fahrzeuge, wie die Polizei Steinfurt Mitteilte.

When the Ermittler comes out of the closet, there is a car manufacturer in the Scheldt and in the frontal treatise in a composite Fahrzeug banglte and anschließend in Flammen aufging.

Tödlicher Busunfall: Fußgängerin wird eingeklemmt and stirbt
Tödlicher Busunfall: Fußgängerin wird eingeklemmt and stirbt

Inquire about the Kollision where the Fahrer of the Schleudern-geratenen Wagons from the Innenraum were recruited. There is no mention of Unfallort. Sein Beifahrer burnt im Fahrzeuginnenraum.

I’ve made four car purchases. View all information about the Zusammenpralls.

A Speaker of the Police Steinfurt is ready to respond TAG24nor has the only problem with accident identification been solved. There is a single question that has not been informed.

The Gronauer Straße was completely blocked during the police raids. Make sure that the damage to the damage in the probe tag is not higher than before.