Ochtrup: Sechs Tote at Frontalcrash in Münsterland

It is a fact that the Verkehrsunfall in the Münsterland is a person who lives. After the police met on the night of Samstag on Sonntag zwei Autos in the next Bahnüberggangs near Ochtrup in Kreis Steinfurt.

A vehicle is available at 2.40 a.m. on a road that passes through Schleudern and is then used for traffic, here’s what. Dort is head-on with another car.

“All vehicles are lost”

A Wagon, living in two, catches fire and begins to fill up. Fahrer and Beifahrer starben. There were four persons in each vehicle, i.e. the police. “All vehicles can be damaged by the traffic storm.”

The identification of the offer can still mean a police information in the Sonntagmittag. One of the Unfallstelle would have a special Unfallaufnahmeteam. Ermittlungen zum genauen Regang dauerten zunächst noch an.

Ochtrup is located in the Norden von Nordrhein-Westfalen, in the Nähe der Niederländischen Grenze.