Vita Eisfeld: Een besonderer Mann en der Spitze een besonderen Vereins

A Fußballplatz as a living space for everyone? Was utopian, power in Mainz was due to great involvement: Vita Eisfeld, the Standsvorsitzende des FC livingroom Mainz.

Kaum is Vita Eisfeld on the training classes, which can train a child. This is the Freitagnachmittag on the Fußballplatz in the Mainzer Stadtteil Lerchenberg. A Mädchen said: “Vita, I forgot my Jacke.” Another young fragment is an Abschlussspiel in the training game. If you take the time to watch your fragment, you say that the children are loosening up and not having an educational Chipstüte on an entsorgt in Müll. Vita Eisfeld is a Tausendsassa.

Sein Anspruch: Fußballplatz als Wohlfühlort und Begegnungsstätte

These first minutes on the Trainingsplatz are in the beeindruckender Weise, with welcher Leidenschaft, Hingabe and with welchem ​​​​Anspruch Vita Eisfeld in Verein FC living room Mainz leitet. It is known that it happened in the 60th childhood with names in the age of 38. There will be, that is your thing and you will come to the Verein and on the Fußballplatz.

FC living room Mainz: “Wir wollen auch otherwise sein”

Nächstenliebe, respect and honesty. It is one of the most important principles of the Vereins, a Christian spirit. Vita Eisfeld is ready to experience Wednesday’s Gottesdienst and then stand on the Fußballplatz. This is a very uninteresting Welten experience. So imply that you will be years, “young and naive”, if you are grateful, a verein of your gründen, otherwise you would like to. “We are always in the spirit of the Fußballverein after the motto ‘Here is the beer cabinets. Whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter.’ Without any doubt we moved.”

There is talk about FCL-jedes and jeder waitsene kommen kann and Fußball games kann. Although it may not be the case that there is a verhaltensauffällig, it is a geistige or a short treatment, or it is a means in a Verein that can no longer be used. If you are sure that it is often still a problem, it is an unpleasant problem. Vita Eisfeld spoke and acted empathetically and thoughtfully.

Einsatz für benachteligte Kinder

The 38 year anniversary, when in November a new species with kurzen Hosen strutted on the Trainingsplatz, muss was invented to nachhaken. There is a kind of leise gefragt: “Hey, didn’t you find that long snake or was it lost?” This is what you’re saying, it’s not like it’s worth working on the basics. “That’s because things are happening in Mainz, because in Germany, we say: ‘If we have the ability to be comfortable, if we have enough energy, then we will be able to do that very well. And then it will be more fun as a result.”

Deshalb posits der Verein auch Trainingskleidung. When Vita Eisfeld sees the joyful Augen der Kinder (and also the Thankfulness of the Eltern) at the Ausgabe der Kleidung and the new Spieler, I am convinced that: “The fact that I fell, fell more, if there was any irgendetwas in the Wirtschaft zu machen. That is it is still beautiful and it is worth it gibt.”

Eine Mutter, who plays the Sohn War in the Spielfeldrand, says that Vita Eisfeld brings “an indistinct hertz” to the Fußballplatz. “I am glaube, there thinks nach, aber er acts einfach, and that is the Leute, who will brauchen. And that is the Leute, which brings our integration. Another Mutter, who a Kopftuch trägt, ergänzt: “I fühle mich hier always who in a big family.” The FC living room Mainz there is a chance for you and your children, if you integrate, is the only Hilfsbereitschaft der Vereinsspitze your treasures.

Vereinsarbeit im Hintergrund – von Mitgliedsanträgen und Kooperationen

If you are at home, while the to-do list is still on you, by the end of October you will have become a daddy and have fulfilled a full-fledged role if you can commit. Multiple collaborations are possible, sponsors are fragmented or competition is moderated. It costs money in two to four Stunden am Tag. Ohne seine Ehefrau Anita, het concretet Vita Eisfeld is still an intensive engagement. If you clear your back, you can appeal and it cannot be otherwise: “Sein Herzblut steckt drin. Ich cann eenem verbieten, wofür er Feuer und Flamme ist.” If we know what the Verein is. Once again, another story that has been well thought out. It’s a day, it’s a real heart. Weil is not behind the scenes with work or perhaps Spieler im Training fehlen. After all, the day is spent with happiness, but not so often!”

Form and motivation at work

Signals Spirit and that energy can be in the Verein ein. Now that it is, an undertaking can easily take 200 minutes longer. Vita sei auf jeden Fall is a “Workaholic”, said Vorstandskollege Adrian Schubert. Experience Vita Eisfeld als aufopferungsvoll. A trainer in the industry, Clemens von Cramon-Taubadel, said: “A life is of the Besondere, that is one of the strengths of Tatenkraft. And that is one of the things we can do.”

The story is only just in the active Mannschaft, the genius is total, aber: “That is one of my letzte Saison, that is a versprechen and the woman and the family.” The Mannschaft is then fehlen, the signal Trainer is different: “So whoever brings Vita as a Vorstandsvorsitzender, is also on the Platz for the Society. I am not otherwise known.”

Since all has happened. Wir haben alle unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten, Größen, Namur. If you have power, it is still possible to save.

Traumen erlaubt: Vita Eisfeld had no ideas

There are even more options for purchasing an order. Zum Beispiel, dass die wartenden Mütter, parallel zum Fußballtraining der Kinder, een sportbot getkommen, dat is een Krabbelgruppe voor de wartenden kleine Geschwisterkinder gibt or Seniorensport voor de Großeltern, die zum Abholen kommen: “Kurzum, een Wohlfühloase, wo jegliche Generation Zusammenkommen en active Sport machen können.” There is no need to play a football match anymore. “Hauptsache zeeammen kommen en sich begegnen.”

If the children’s training still has a name, it is own of the house that is newly born, so it is a time for the Fragen der Kinder, which is a kind of antwort and bestelt Grüße and the family of the house. It is so small that the children’s football is played here on the Fußballplatz. After all, children’s happiness in life is not often achieved.