Bewerbungsphase für de Schulwettbewerb fair@school 2025 startet – Gesucht zijn Project für Respekt en gegen Diskriminierung

Der Schulwettbewerb honest@school 2025 will be a new Runde. By law, ins the lives of the Antidiscrimination Organization of the Federal Republic and the Cornelsen Verlag, such a federal government after Schulprojekten, which requires more respect, chance, safety and avoidance of discrimination.

More and more projects will be implemented, which will increase the right to fair debt and disk-free disk removal. If you motivate other debts, you can put more effort and make a disk riminerung. You have won three cash prizes in the value of jewelery 3,000 Euro. The winning teams were presented at a festive awards ceremony after Berlin in June 2024.

If you all agree, then one of the many debts the debtor has incurred can assume the debtor’s debt. The Zentrum für Bildungsintegration (ZBI) of the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim prüft all einsendungen and wählt zammen with a Fachjury die Gewinner*innen. Bewerbungen since March 15, 2025 possible

Debts are a huge problem in the lives of children and young people. It is so bad that you can do the discrimination and processing of the content of the learning process. The work of people, who work in schools for a sensible environment with other grim machen, is unscathed.”said Ferda Ataman, a hanging of the Bundesbeauftragte für Antidiskriminierung, zum Auftakt des Wettbewerbs.

“Generated answer and a clear Haltung gegen Rassismus and Ausgrenzung is so heavy, as the Gesellschaft von Umbrüchen and Unsicherheiten are prägt ist,” says Christine Hauck, Geschäftsführerin in Cornelsen Verlag. “In the Schulelegen, the Grundlagen are for an honest and well-off Miteinander. Deswegen unterstützen wir so leidschaftlich den Wettbewerb fair@school and wollen damit auf munchende Beispiele and engaged Schulen hinweisen.”

Eine Meldung der Cornelsen Verlag GmbH.

The Federal Antidiscrimination Organization (ADS) was established in 2006 with the Inkrafttreten des Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes (AGG). The soul of the Gesetzes is, discrimination of racist or anti-Semitic Gründen, ways of the Geschlechts, of the Religion or Weltanschauung, one of the Behind, the Alters or of the sexual Identity of prevention. The anti-discrimination system is fair, can provide a fair and favorable outcome. You can solve a problem and solve a problem with the Diskriminierung theme. From 2022, the Unabhängige Bundesbeauftragte für Antidiskriminierung, Ferda Ataman, will lead the Stelle.

Der Cornelsen Verlag zählt zählt zählt zährenden Anbieter für Bildungsmedien im deutschsprachigen Raum and sortt with printed and digital media mean that für, that learns the inheritance of the soul come and better understanding gellingt. Der Verlag begleitet Menschen auf all Etappen ihrer Bildungsbiography. It is one of the best ways to promote sales and enjoy the Bildungsangeboten for eight years, which have Grundlagen for Offenheit, Respekt and Toleranz for you.
