If Boris Pistorius is a fool, the Chancellor is the Wahl loser

Would the SPD stay informed about the Spitzencandidates from our country? Leave more time for a good idea. But for your favorites, the Hype is accepted.

Minister der Herzen, gescheiterter Kanzler and more ambitious party: the SPD politician Boris Pistorius, Olaf Scholz and Lars Klingbeil (from left)

Minister der Herzen, gescheiterter Kanzler and more ambitious party: the SPD politician Boris Pistorius, Olaf Scholz and Lars Klingbeil (from left)

Illustration Olivia Meyer / NZZ

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It’s all like this: If it is a social democratic enterprise, the German Kanzleramt can be erobern, then. So faith isn’t that important. Also, the media are electrified. Kaum ein Tag vergeht, an dem sie nicht fragen, ob er antritt.

Reason is nothing other than a political matter, a son of silence – now zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten. A woman who will always enjoy the Euphoria and the Kopf phases.

One of the men replaces Boris Pistorius and is the bald Minister of Defense of the Federal Minister. If the government is strong and if the party wants more party members, then there must be, of the Minister of State, the SPD in the leadership of the Wahlkampf. Warum in August Bebels Namen, fragen si, schickt de Partei ausgerechnet de hochst unpopulären en vor de Scherben seiner Koalition stehenden Kanzler ins Rennen? Inspire yourself deeply first Federal politician of the party from the Deckung.

«Due trägst Wünden davon»

The other Hero heisst Martin Schulz. At the end of 2016 and last year 2017, the SPD was out of the unbeliebten Rolle des Juniorpartners in the big coalition and ended whoever his ins Kanzleramt could führen, herrschte bald Einigkeit: niece Sigmar Gabriel, the streitbare Vizekanzler mit dem Bauch, under the jovial Europafreund with dem Bart. Part of the blame would be schliesslich with one of the most spenstische anmutenden Ergebnis van 100 Prozent zum Kanzlerkansen kürt. They were all alone. And all the layers are wrong.

The “Schulz-Zug” protects the SPD as the worst history of the nachkriegsgeschichte. There is an underlying part of a party and a candidate that knows for sure that this is not the case. «So the world of the world, and die Narben bleiben», Verriet Schulz kürzlich in Interview with dem “Mirror”.

The hype for a direct after Schulz’ Freestyle was strong in the Pistorius-Hype of the heute. If Olaf Scholz’s Zweifellos get power in the meantime, the tight ends of the Defense Ministers will improve a little. It may never take so long, but it is no longer possible for the SPD to be on the last meter of the world with its Candidates.

A wem was Pistorius bis jetzt messen?

It is an exciting experiment, for all German media, the politics in the choir and the new generation. Outside the Grund, Pistorius and the SPD was a risky maneuver. The fact is that it is as soon as possible that one of the rasants has a good chance. Spoken to Martin Schulz: “The price for the treatment is that you first start working with Dreck.”

Boris Pistorius is so believed that he, one of the greatest knives, was so bad and sent. It is one of the kanzler activities and the war with others is focused on the Spitze des Verteidigungsressorts. Christine Lambrecht war in jeder Hinsicht von ihrem Amt überordert. I think Pistorius is a sharper minister. That’s what we can expect. A major reform can give an impetus to the Streitkräfte blieb ein Reformchenand in the head of the director is a bombastic slogan «Zeitenwende» there was little confusion.

Dem Minister Pistorius let the man get into trouble, in this chaotic Tagen. As a Kanzler candidate, he or she can include Bilanz in the Verteidigungsressorten to come under the Lupe nehmen. Vermutlich fände sich in dem Fall auch der een unzufriedene General or Ministerialbeamte with CDU-Partij, der Journalisten van vermeintlichen or Echten Pannen seiner Amtsführung zu messages wüsste. This was the first of the problems.

A schwacher Auftritt can purify everything

As a Chancellor candidate, Pistorius must first set the extremist course on all relevant issues. The fragments of the rule of law at home and abroad and the Minister of the Interior of Lower Saxony have fallen relatively lightly. Would you like to know whether you are part of the Fragen der Wirtschaft?

Deutschland steckt in der Rezession. The Gefahr der Deindustrialisation is real, itself the totality of the consequences of the labor loss never dies. Did any of the candidates put a Pistorius candidate, who six months later took over a state office and a position of political power, on this Krise? Were there in a Fernsehduell, überzeugender as Friedrich Merz, the Spitzenkandidat of the Union, the jahrelang as Wirtschaftsanwalt, Berater and Aufsichtsrat labored hat?

Wer es gut mit ihm meint, konnte sagen: Schlechten as Scholz’s Antworten Pistorius’ Antworten could not be. Aber man is nothing. The minister may have had an unanswered Blatt. A Spitzen candidate was accepted. A schwacher Fernsehuftritt or a Lachen im valschen Moment kan haben een schwerwiegende Folgen.

Little chance

If Pistorius did not stand a chance, the SPD’s Kanzler candidate or his wife would never again benefit from the fallen consequences of the Wahlkampfs. Aber ein Wahlsieg was nach heutigem Ermessen auch dann noch unwahrscheinlich. And that is more than enough. A big chance, Kanzler, it’s not.

Friends could be with others. Olaf Scholz was busy in the autumn of the year acquiring food, the partei and the land, which themselves came out of the closet. There was never again a bad responsibility that would no longer disappear like Martin Schulz’s worst Ergebnis. When you know it’s this much fun, it hasn’t been more than a while since there was a hype about it being a possibility.

I think I’m free from Lars Klingbeil. Most co-chairs of the SPD became a great and greatest ambition, and a Wahlverlierer Pistorius was a stronger relationship that became so or so bare after college.