“Den Republikanern Explodieren die Köpfe”

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Donald Trump has included TV moderator Hegseth and Mr. Radikalen Gaetz in his direction. The checks are done in no time.

Washington, DC – There’s no way it could be Wochen, right? Donald Trump zum 47. US Presidents of the USA are gathered. There is greater power than Trump after each other US-Wahl Bereits an die Arbeit and basstelt sich seine kunftige Regierung zammen. Either way, the Trumps can advance their interests and unwittingly end it.

He’s a multi-billionaire Elon MuskThe Regie is one of the efficient Konzernchef sisters, or a Fernsehmoderator, who is in charge as Defense Minister of the Pentagon. And then neither hardcore Trumpist Matt Gaetz was at work at the Justizministerium.

Donald Trump has taken control: Republikaner von Verteidigungsminister “shockiert”

Was it the most mendacious in a Satire article US politics zur Realität. Denn Trump lacks loyalty to a higher position when it comes to competition. It’s time to avoid all commotion Fox News-Moderators Pete Hegsethof the former chairmen of the broadcast “Fox & Friends Weekend”, Honig is a Maul schmierte.

It’s one of the best ways to find a seat nearby US Senate For the small political government in Minnesota, the reports about the Pentagon are one of the most important American ministries. “Everything is a shock,” says the sender CNN a representative of the ministerial ministries. Auch aus dem Kapitol, we die Republican In the Senate of the Nomination Hegseths bestätigen müssen, hört man von gemischten Gefühlen.

“Den Republikanern Explodieren die Köpfe”
Donald Trump and his new candidates: The designated Justice Minister Matt Gaetz (l.) and the designated Defense Minister Pete Hegseth. © Editing: Ian Maule/Kamil Krzaczynski/Jim Watson/AFP

Trump’s Defense Minister Pete Hegseth: “Wer zur Hölle ist dieser Typ?”

Der Fox News-Moderator, the coronavirus for an investigation Democrats The purpose of the US military is to help other people in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, if Hegseth is a conservative Fernsehen organization, the power is on the road of Kriegsverbrechen that grimly unites the US soldiers – and with its history. The president, the most important absentee: Donald Trump. One of the statements the Minister of Foreign Affairs said: “Pete is smart and a true America-First-Anhänger. With Pete am Steuer sollten ich de Feinde Amerikas in Acht nehmen,” Trump said in a statement. Mits Meinung, Trump says he has done everything.

“Wer zur Hölle ist dieser Typ?”, an Insider fragged in an Interview with Politics. If Hegseth is a veteran, he has found a man who has “a great background in Sachen Verteidigung.” “That’s a bad start,” said the Insider. Active and political practitioner Paul Rieckhoff, himself a veteran of the US Army, said he was shocked by Trump’s Entscheidung.

Hegseth is “ohne Zweifel” of “am schlechtest qualifizierte” Candidate for the posts of Foreign Ministers in the US History. “Sei gefasst, America,” wrote Rieckhoff. There is a ‘political criticism for MAGA’ as the Trumps press preachers prince, but they cannot be considered the US Secretary of State.

Weighing in on “Sex Trafficking” and Trump Hardliner: That’s Matt Gaetz

Derweil schlagen auch Donald Trumps Plane voor de ultraradical Matt Gaetz hohe Wellen. Der soll nach dem Willen Trumps künftig Justizministerbecome and “the schwer erschütterten Glauben and the Vertrauen of the Amerikaner in the Justizministerium wiederrestellen”. Der 42 years since the President and the General Government have been in the party’s representative house since 2017, the Hardliner parties will be part of the American Trumps – while Kalkül is now no longer exercising his mandate.

If you see the Rücktritt, Gaetz goes into a nähere Untersuchung brisanter Vorwürfe gegen by the Ethikausschuss abgewendet. If the Republican is of the opinion that the US Justice Ministry keeps its ways “Sex Trafficking” – also the Human Trafficking zum Sexuellen Missbrauchs – in mind. While I am engaged in sexual intercourse with a minor, I can do that.

The ministry has proven its guilt by all the innocent people. If you use a different product last time, you can use some medicine and make a gift. Media messages are on the Veröffentlichung eines Abschlussberichts kurz bevor. Republikanische Parteikollegen deuteten an, dass Gaetz’ Mandatsverzicht directly damit in Verbindung stehen könnte. Zuletzt hatte Trump’s Wunsch-Justizminister erklärt, nicht longer volunteered at the Untersuchung mitwirken zu wollen. The Ethikausschuss Regulations refer to a congress that is adopted by Parliament.

Trump’s Wunsch-Justizminister chooses the Republikanern for “exploding Köpfe”

Matt Gaetz expresses straight positions, shows the glitchy history. He is a common dissatisfaction myth. There is talk of the Abgeordneten, who for a year had the reputation of the republican representatives of the representatives of Kevin McCarthy, who led a number of steps through the head of the US military. This war is accompanied by the trembling force of the internal uprising and is possible as a glühender MAGA-Anhänger. Gilding ships is its own part of the blessing if it is that high.

So when Republican Senator Susan Collins “shocks” about Trump’s Entscheidung, Gaetz zum Justizminister machen zu wollen. „I am my own person, that is my opinion, my opinion in the Gaetz’ Anhörung (before the Bestätigung durch den Senate, To. D. Red.) geben wird, Falls die Nominierung weiterfolgt wird“, see sie dem Radiosender NPR. Gegenüber Politics said Republican Abgeordnete Max Miller, Gaetz see in the past Legislative period “reumgerannt who is a Sechsjähriger with a loaded Revolver and a lock Finger am Abzug”. The parts used for Sorge are “those Köpfe explosive animals”, they say CNN-Journalist Jamie Gangel.

Senate Republican against Gaetz – but Trump would come into conflict with Kniff zurückgreifen

I’m speaking to the night portal Axios Max Miller scoffed: “Gaetz has better chances, with Queen Elisabeth II. If it is essentially the case that the Senate will do this.” Donald Trump could work with his knives, a mourning follower and the attorney general that was necessary.

The fragile withdrawal in the Senate has not posed a problem for Gaetz. Trump has signaled that some of the following rules can be adjusted, one of the other Wunsch candidates that will bring faster into Amt zu. There may be a number of “Recess Appointments” selected. This legislative power has been determined by the American presidents in the Sitzungspausen des senates bestimmte Positionen zu setzen. The fact is that expectations are high, it is the best time for survival. More Republican senators have taken responsibility.

Sollte es but am gewählten Gremium lie, wird itself said, in which the Republikaner in Gänze is behind Donald Trump. “The Nominee proposes that the new Senate, with its republican unity, will be supported by a major leadership probe, in order to ensure that the unity of the party is fulfilled,” he wrote. WashingtonPost dazu.

Jobs and Gelder Streichen: Elon Musk leads the “DOGE” Abteilung for Donald Trump

A new job could help tech billionaire Elon Musk ahead of Donald Trump. The US President’s design has taken the initiative to help government leaders. There was a common understanding with the former republican presidential leaders Vivek Ramaswamy, the leader of the government, and a special partnership with Trump’s team.

Musk’s “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE) was not part of the regulation, allendings with the Weißen Haus zammenarbeiten, “to undertake major structural reforms”. The Arbeit von Musk and Ramaswamy will end in July 2026.

This personal personality is the highest controversy, which Musk has as the richest person in the world and various bosses Firms have an interesting interest group that can work machenk. As chef of the online platform Xüber, Zudem Verfügt is a great German for Meinungsmache. Letztere is in de vergangen Monat zunehmend in Sinne Trumps aus; These expenses are millions in expenditure for Trump’s presidential campaign – and it is certain that women are so lucrative in the market. (not with dpa)