Basketball Federal coach Mumbru: \”With Dennis Schröder auch strong signal\” | Sport

Since August, Alex Mumbru (45) is a basketball coach. Seitdem labor der Spanier and seinem new Kader.

My debut in the EM-Quali am 22. November in Stockholm, Sweden will see the German NBA and Euroleague-Stars display. Beim Rückspiel in Heidelberg drei Tage später can immerse in the Profis from the European Königsklasse zurückgreifen.

The largest BILD interview, in the native language of superstar Dennis Schröder and his role in Mannschaftspricht.

SPORTS BILD: Mr. Mumbru, am Freitag steht Ihr Debüt als Basketball-Federal trainer an. Nerves?

Alex Mumbru: Aufgeregt. It’s all new to me – de Spieler, der Staff. Sweden will start with a heart test. When you are free from Arbeit. I want it, it’s an end to the loss!

Bleibt Dennis Schröder Kapitän der deutschen Nationalmannschaft?

Auf jeden autumn. I spent more time with my people and spent more time, which is the best captain this man can be.

Were you interested in the next games?

Today Johannes Thiemann and David Krämer vor. I should first eat it with my own reason. Ob sie diese Verantwortung at all slow wollen. And when I am spoken to the man, look at the creative würden.

Schröder genoss unter Ihrem Vorgänger Gordon Herbert gewisse Freiheiten. So you need a chamberlain in the closet, who dares to go into the closet. Is it possible to do this?

Mumbru in signal Zeit as Coach in Valencia

Mumbru in signal Zeit as Coach in Valencia

Photo: photo alliance / Eibner-Pressefoto

The sparrows want to find a compromise. These players are all willing to participate in National Mannschaft. We’ll be happy to play in the country. It won’t be long before you stop using the Spa. Otherwise it would be a bit stronger.

Welding is our ultimate player reason. Those Wagner-Brüder Franz and Moritz…

Die Jungs sind Basketball-verrückt. Watch the sports! If you go into it with common sense and a cafe option, that’s now basketball. If you play an unglazed game in Germany, you can experience the atmosphere of the Nationalmannschaft. Remember you can play EM 2025. If you want to see a bisschen erholen.

Was he with Johannes Voigtmann?

If all goes well, it’s normal for it to be Austausch. There is no question of Olympia having a loss of the recovery sparrows. I think this is one of the things that EM does. Come to think of it, the first part of the Saison is separated.

And Daniel Theis?

A lot of attention is paid to the years in the Nationalmannschaft. After all, both games at Olympia were lost. And that will never be torn down. You may have arrived in autumn.

Once you find a hole, it’s Tibor Pleiß. During the 2016 trip of the Nationalmannschaft, German national coach Chris Fleming was not over. This is no longer nominated. Is the war swinging, in a Deutschland-Comeback at an überreason?

Basketball Federal coach Alex Mumbru focuses on Dennis Schröder, Franz Wagner and Daniel Theis

There will be even more games in the Euroleague this year. Deshalb has gesagt in anger and in his heart, that is to say with brauchen. A notification and notification were made one minute after the end of the calls. There is a smile, which is always there. And when I’m happy, that’s how it is.

Maxi Kleber and Dennis Schröder hats for the WM 2023 Zoff, I’m finally ready, dass Kleber dies de Einladung zur Nationalmannschaft ausgeschlagen hat. Are you concerned about a new opportunity?

I have never worked with my spprochen before. That’s what it became when the German NBA game was played in the US. Then I will meet with Maxi in Dallas. But there is still a chance to be obtained. If you notice a guy you’re not the best player, but if you’re the best player you’re the best player. It’s a puzzle. I was robbed by Dennis Schröder.

This is the WeltmeisterschaftenIn DIESER Sportart the Biere flies

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Who has wars when you’ve been robbed?

I have the best job of all national trainers in Europe. Deutschland has made 25 pros in the NBA and the Euroleague. So no other country fell.

What about Ihrem Vorgänger Gordon Herbert ausgetauscht?

Yes, we called Anfang Oktober. I had fallen in love. If a man is a man, while the niece does not coincide with the letzten period, then a man can revitalize himself as a trainer. Aber Deutschland is Weltmeister, Gordie also fell. I’m in big Fußstapfen.

They live with three Töchter and two Sohne. Are you bringing the whole family with Hagen? I lived happily ever after.

Zwei der Kinder has gone to the house – a child in high school and a study. Aber die Familie Wird in Barcelona Wohnen Bleiben.

The DBB works with the Doppelfunktion Bundes- en Vereinstrainer. Were our passions, tomorrow Real Madrid was canceled and the Trainer job was offered?

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Photo: BILD

Für so was habe ich gar keine Zeit! I can concentrate on the Länderspiel-Fenster.

From 2022 to 2024 Sie was Trainer in Valencia. Do those people know who were affected by the Flut-Catastrophe?

Those were clever moments. Zum Glück is one of the best friends to get a glimpse of the gang. The family has lost an overview of their house and their cars. Aber sie sind noch am Leben. The other hatten leader was not so fell Glück.