Jüdische Realitäten in Deutschland: Offenbarungseid in der Kultur

There is a war going on over the financing and processing of articles that are more of a state faculty, such as those presented in Frankfurt am Main under the title “Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland – in Spannungsfeld zwischen Anpassung und Autonomie” in the Jewish Museum. When the family came out, Redner was changed: there were some of the consequences, the profits and the betrayals. The address is: die nichtjüdische deutsche Mehrheitsgesellschaft.

Schon zum Auftakt der von Shelly Kupferberg moderierten Tagung, die in der Manier schneller Schneller Schlagabtäusche und hellwacher, discursiver “Nummernrevues”, whom the Gastgeberin esd is striking, on the Bühne daherkam, presented the President of the Zentralrats der Juden Josef Schuster, a welcher Ausgrenzung jüdische Cultural events since October 7. Stünden. “I have no idea what is there,” as the message of the low in Israel and the Jewish diaspora pushes culture away.

There are still Israeli Boykott and Jüdischer Künstler: it takes a long time before an offense is committed. We who spend time with Israelis and also with Jewish German speech, who are not ostentatious about the Jewish State, are always happy to hear the message: “I am concerned about the consequences of this matter”, who will be interviewed by the writer Etgar Keret in his interview with his friend .

“Disputing anti-Semitism is what Anti-Semitism is”

Olaf Zimmermann, Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Kulturrates und Sprecher der Initiative Kulturelle Integration, nach Schuster das Podium einnahm, sprach im selben Zusammenhang Klartext: “I am ashamed of the Boykotte of Kulturverantwortlichen.” Publizist Michel Friedman spoke with an “Offenbarungseid in der Kultur” . The situation that was so bad that anti-Semitism was being discussed was anti-Semitism and its own definitions were milder. If you focus in the direction of science and publication, the disinterested IHRA definition argumentation in the discussion will form part of the federal resolution of the Bundestag against anti-Semitism.

Friedman says he is a new one because the AfD’s right-wing extremism has furthered the reality for the Jews in Germany, while the “banal Judenhass” is a radical Muslim shift. Spoken Word Artist Anna Syrkina brought the inner music discussion to the punkt on October 7 in the ihrem Performance text “Dazwischen”: “Ein Jahr ist Vergangen, es fühlt sich wie ein Langer Tag an.”

In the panel “Jüdische Widerständigkeit” such as Yael Kupferberg, Frederek Musall, Doron Rabinovici and Ron Segal, they are on an autonomous understanding, that inner-foreign Selbstgespräch führen soll, een gesellschaftliche standpunktverortung zu ermöglichen, so Yael Kupferberg. “Wo stehen wir gesellschaftlich?”, phrased the Professorin an der Martin-Buber-Professur in Frankfurt am Main.

Make sure you get control, there are anti-Zionists here

We have established a true relationship of solidarity and friendship on October 7, where the four-person stage is encouraged. Scripture narrator Doron Rabinovici said that he had made a number of illuminating statements while traveling in his spare time, prompting an ambivalent response: ‘falschen leuten, die plötzlich das Richtige sagten’. The Jüdischer Widerstand said that he was ideal for the Israeli flag at demonstrations in Israel, which was the “Justizputsch” of the Netanyahu government, which would be demonstrative anti-Israeli demonstrators, and also in the Heimatstadt Wien. It is a sincere side of Kant that he has Feinden, while he has a vermeintliche Freunden. “A broader position can now arise if someone finds their own stimme.”

From an own, autonomous judician stimulation that deals with sociology Natan Sznaider geprochen, von een, which makes a connection with the discourses of the Mehrheitsgesellschaft and the debate radical self-determination over his behavior. “Anti-Semitism cannot be verboten, even few Resolutions.”

Frederek Musall, Professor of Jüdische Studien at the University of Würzburg, of the views of Gaza-Proteste an Universitäten as Mediator auftritt, concrete, that is nor a single solchen Feindseligkeit begegnet sei who will be in Hörsälen, including ‘From the river to the sea “-Parolen begrüßt zijn sei. It is a fact on October 7 that there is no solidarity anymore, but if you have another form of broader interests, which is about Zugewandtheit and Freundschaft. People, who said sie nach dem 7. Oktober, said with gratitude: “It is good, not clear zu müssen, who ich myself fühle.”