Ukraine-Talk bei Maischberger: Wagenknecht: “Glauben Sie, die Atommacht Russland lässt sich erpressen?”

Ukraine-Talk at Maischberger
Wagenknecht: “Glauben Sie, die Atommacht Russland lässt sich erpressen?”

Von Marko Schlichting

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Since 1000 days we have seen the Ukraine in the Russian language in the State area ab. The green wool can no longer be used, the BSW is useless. At Maischberger, Wagenknecht’s partner was working on Putin’s Atomwaffen.

“A contribution has been made to the social policy of a large part of the Fragen, that is to say, that it is a unity,” said Katrin Göring-Eckardt of the Grünen about Sahra Wagenknecht, the Gründerin and the Vorsitzende des BSW. “It was essentially a big problem. It was a matter of speaking, who could es weitergehen. After the war for Sahra Wagenknecht became the BSW, he was still not busy,” but he said that. Wagenknecht connects with Göring-Eckardt, both from the tribes of Thuringia. A war is a community issue. Both politicians serve the guest of Sandra Maischberger in the ARD. The moderator can speak to the entire Krieg in Ukraine. A program that is Streit. Wagenknecht and Göring-Eckardt are working hard together.

Göring-Eckardt unterstützt Merz’ Taurus-Kurs

The front is clear: Göring-Eckardt spoke in favor of Waffenlieferungen and killing Ukraine, a country in a comfortable trading position with Russia. It’s true: this has no function whatsoever. Wagenknecht tried to carry out Friedens treatises with Russian President Putin, and that is as soon as possible. Now there seems little interest in it. Russia has a huge chain speed in Ukraine, while the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz is an operator with the Russian president. After a fried treatise, this is a moment when Ukraine is no longer in winter. The large part of the critical infrastructure of the countries is zero, the function of the functions can be greater than the Strom-abgeschaltet.

CDU chief Friedrich Merz has written clear text in Russia: If there were a Bundeskanzler, where Russian President Putin issues an ultimatum. Wenn Russland is the Ukrainian city fortsetze, where Deutschland Taurus-Marschflugkörper and the Ukraine are sweeter. “The consequences were: Bundeswehrsoldier programs Raketen, die tief nach Russland Reichen. That is practically a Kriegserklärung in Russia,” says Wagenknecht. In a single zentralen Frage, if it is a Leben and Tod gehe, it is unreliable, if Deutschland is ever a bit stricter, how rotten Linien man überschreiten könne. “Noch is not yet passive. Aber we could not but not another day. Irgendwann was still passionate. And that, was then passion, is such a Tragödie, such a Catastrophe for our Country, that is a strong unresolved find, a solitary way to pass,” So a wagon boy.

“The situation is such that it is an escalation. And this escalation comes from Putin,” answers Katrin Göring-Eckardt. Russia bombed Kinderzimmer and Krankenhäuser. There are Drohnen a fact, the lonely Zivilists on the Straße meet each other. The Ukrainian Armee is a hinged military base in Russia. “If Linien sprechen is on his head, Putin will propose a Red Line after the others.” Die Drohung von Merz unterstützt Göring-Eckardt: “That was a complete address to Putin.”

“Aber glauben Sie, dass sich die Atommacht Russland von uns erpressen lässt?”, Fragment Wagenknecht.

Göring-Eckardt: “If I come with the Atomic Force, I will say: I will become the Urangst appelliert. Wer glaubt that Putin came to power, the Atomschläge zu machen, der versteht nicht, that is for Russia and for Putin the very worst thing was Putin wants, ist, It is a big undertaking that will be a big undertaking, it will be a strong look at Europe, which will help in Ukraine.

Koalitionsverhandlungen und Kanzlerfrage

Wagenknecht bleibt dabei: “Man dare not do nothing to play, that is our country in a Krieg with an Atommacht eintritt.” The parties have been part of the coalition agreement after the Wahlen in East Germany, taking a step in the preparation of the coalition agreement, with the Spitzenkandidat of the BSW being chosen for the new approach. Spitzen Candidates, not Kanzler Candidates. “If all goes well, if all parties run for office, then this might be a problem.”

The Greens have received a Kansler candidate in Robert Habeck. “Robert Habeck is your man, there is a bright Kompass hat,” says the Parteikollegin Göring-Eckardt. “There’s always the best of us,” he says behind the scenes. “And it was the Entscheidende ist: There hat the Anstand zu sagen, which Fehler is empowered hat. That is the Politikern äußerst selten.” And: Habeck sei ein Mann met Selbstzweifeln: “Those meisten zweifeln and the others, Robert Habeck zweifelt a sich self.”

“Ich finde das eigentlich unglaublich”, in turn Wagenknecht de Kanzlerkandidatur Habecks. If you have been Minister of Economic Affairs for three years, and you have been working on the mountain of German Economic Affairs for two years.

The fehler from the years under Angela Merkel did not bring in a man by incurring three years of repair costs, Göring-Eckardt said. “Die Chance, die jetzt zu tun, haben wir jetzt. And die sollten wir ergreifen”, power is no longer Wahlwerbung for Habeck.

And then there’s Schluss. Die Sendung ist zu Ende. No more new things. So that’s one of the Wahlkampf.