For this German Sache, the man in China would be ridiculous

Mario May is 25 years young. Before we joined the Eggenroter as Freier Mitarbeiter for the “Ipf- und Jagst-Zeitung” for two years. The Medienhaus wollte ebenfalls. Dann aber mustste May for his Auslandsstudium in Nanjing, China. Life never began, but man is an art diary of Leben Mays in China in Leben zu rufen. Gesagt, getan: “FernOstalb – Von Ellwangen nach Nanjing” entstand. On December 20, it became public, in the “Ipf- und Jagst-Zeitung” were made public. No wonder, but insgesamt eineinhalb Jahre vor Ort.

Travel to China in the Eggenroter Dorfhaus

Mittlerweile with the master of intercultural German studies in its bag will be very happy in Eggenrot – and will stop on November 22 at 7:30 PM in the Dorfhaus for a Vortrag über seinen exciting Aufenthalt. In Germany it is possible to advertise, nach China is a much easier choice. Editorial staff Timo Lämmerhirt who would like to come and another nachgefragt, was der young Absolvent nor therefore vorhat.

October 2022 will be the first time I flew into the Rahmen Deines Masterstudiums after Nanjing. Chinese is vermutlich the most elegant language of the world, the previous one was the most likely. Who has mastered your speech?

Of course, in the war that has been re-ordered, man will no longer be able to restrain himself. Dann is a fact. There is now a war going on, a Grundstock of the Sprache Mitzubringen, which makes you speak English. Ohne Chinese ist man for Ort but seemlich aufgeschmissen.

Do you want to lie if you want to visit a Studium in Deutschland and a Chinese Campus?

Das Campusleben is completely different. In China, the joint campus is a smaller area. Drumherum is a Mauer, it is a small entrance shop that takes control.

In China, the joint campus is a smaller area. Drumherum is a Mauer, it is a small entrance shop that takes control.

Mario May über das Campusleben in China

Im Campus is located in a Ministadt with a Supermarket, Friseur, Sport- and Schwimmhallen or a Sportplatz. It’s all personal. Most people live directly on campus.

Who are students at Nanjing University?

During this image, a man can put an end to the fact that the university in Nanjing is loose.

During this image, a man can put an end to the fact that the university in Nanjing is loose. (Photo: Mario Mei)

It is a shame that the Universität Nanjing is four Campus-insgesamt. A davon is in another city. Between 25,000 and 30,000 students must be collected, the only schrieben.

It is more if Ellwangen is a woman, but the dimensions are verdeutlichen.

Yes (laughs). There is a distribution of four complexes.

Who is the Studium der Interkulturellen Germanistik nun aufgeteilt? Eingeschrieben warst Du yes in Göttingen, aber auch in Nanjing. Who can propose?

It’s kind of a dual degree program, because they both make college purchases. I obtained a Master’s Abschluss in Göttingen and one in Nanjing, also almost two Abschlusses with subsequent studies. The Auslandsaufenthalt is a fully integrated curriculum.

Did you write in German?

Yes, that’s all in German. For the Abschluss in China there must still be a summary in English, German and Chinese. There were no more jewels around now.

Jetzt you are young for the first 25 years, you have the Master in your bag. Der kleine Junge vom Dorf im großen China – Das muss Dich, but an attempt has been made, or not?

(schmunzelt) Yes, the power is uncanny, which is ‘over the Tellerrand hinausblicken’. There is no more war on the road of Dorf in the city, a complete road in a free country. That’s my horizons ungemein erweitert.

You have to ensure that the practical work is complete, so that the network is organized. Who sees the installation of the program? Do you want to get a promotion first and then? In communication in the world, the Chinese knowledge or partner has, you still have to carry out an attack…

Yes, it is a disinterested situation, which I am not happy with. It is a study that is my Leidenschaft: the cultural development of Germany and China. It is a fact that German companies have to deal with Chinese merchants. Auf lang Sicht sehe ich mich wieder in China. After the promotion it takes longer than in China. I am self-tense, was bowls wird.

Wenn Du von Deiner Zeit messageest, dann Strahlst Du überboth Cheeks. Have you taken over the missing or missing from China?

Naturally, I live in China with my home away from home. Beim zweiten Mal aber war is für mich schon schoniger, nach Deutschland zurückzukehren. I know what you are doing here in Germany.

Welche zum Beispiel?

It seems that Metro-System is one of the main problems in China. Dazu has been stubbornly digitalized everything in China, it is possible that most people have a natural and natural friendship, which is funded by them. A Beispiel: Nanjing is 300 kilometers from Shanghai and the city is a man with the Zug in a stunde. There may be a problem with a Tagestrip in Shanghai.

Wunderschönes Bild von Mario May: View of Pudong vom Shanghaier Bund.

Wunderschönes Bild von Mario May: View of Pudong vom Shanghaier Bund. (Photo: Mario Mei)

Jetzt has Du einen Blick in Dein Privatleben-zugelassen, was een nicht jedermanns Sache ist. If you have war, you cannot solve the problem.

No, if I am someone who has had this experience, I will share this experience. I have the happiness, the health and safety of my understanding, and my good fortune in living my life in China. I want things to go well. If China is in the press, it is a straight political China image. I would like to receive a message from Alltag sometime.

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If there is no problem, is everything we expect from regulation worth more in China? It is not that China falls into Russia, but it is a fact. Does man denn von Diesem care about China politics in Alltag etwas mit?

If Ausländer in China was more individual, no one would be interested in political matters. This is all dangerous. On the Unicampus the street is marked on the right and left, that is, parteisprüche. Everything, which was consumed by man in the Medien, is political. In the Straßen stehen fell Denkmäler, which was seen on an art of Chinese Chinese History, which was different in Europe. It’s all dangerous, when I live abroad in China, there is no flow.

Mainly in the cantonese cuisine of “Dim Sum”, which is comparable to Tapas in Spain. Look nicer. It is not that there is a Chinese cuisine, but it is more likely that the region has a different cuisine.

Mario May survives Chinese cuisine

What is the Essen War in China? Was war excessive?

The classic Beijing Tente, which lasts so long. This is a Besonderes. Mainly in the cantonese cuisine of “Dim Sum”, which is comparable to Tapas in Spain. Look nicer.

It is not that there is a Chinese cuisine, but it is more likely that the region has a different cuisine. The Variation is a tool of power. The Essen in China war is always better.

So, whoever saves you from China: Can you speak your own language, that is your own art in your own home?

Anfang thought that the Stelle von Heimat could not be moved. If you don’t get started now, you will feel like you are in the arid of Wurzeln poems. It is an art that has become a work of art for me.

Have you adapted to the Chinese? Was it taken with you after your house?

I trinke deutliche more Tee. It was one of the things that were used in Beutelchen as Tee-boats, yet at Christmas time, with Spekulatius-Geschmack, which is of course not a Tee. In China man bought Blätter auf. I have fallen Tee mitbracht from China. That’s my first ever care (laughs). It’s more Chinese music than ever before.

If you start the music: you will work with the best academic skills, when you are the würdest. Is this a Trugschluss now, or?

I always say: work hard, play hard (laughs). The war in China will become very heated. The fact is that you cannot do this. The atmosphere in the Klubs is very different.

Everything is right locker and communal. Everything is certain for everything. That’s why you don’t have to worry about anything, that K.-o.-Tropfen in Glass lands.

Mario May survives the Security in Klubs and in Straße

If the door doesn’t open anymore, the man isn’t coming from here. Everything is right locker and communal. Everything is certain for everything. That’s why you don’t have to worry about anything, that K.-o.-Tropfen in Glass lands.

Is it certain that everything is so unexpected?

No, it all depends on the political majority. It is a heartfelt wish for Drogenmissbrauch. Aber zum Stichwort Überwachung: Auf dem Nachhauseweg fühlt man sich German sicherer, that is a positive effect of the joint Überwachung. About Security, if I have an opinion, I shouldn’t be grateful.

A look at the sogenante "Verbotene Stadt" in Beijing. 1406 to 1420 erbaut, picture of the Kaiserpalast das largest Ensemble classical-chinese Gebäude. Of the “Verbotenen Stadt” spoke the man who called the Kaiser his own Powerful Command.

A look at the modern “Verbotene Stadt” in Beijing. 1406 to 1420 erbaut, picture of the Kaiserpalast das largest Ensemble classical-chinese Gebäude. Of the “Verbotenen Stadt” spoke the man who called the Kaiser his own Powerful Command. (Photo: Mario Mei)

We’ll just end the perspective. Who will see the Chinese in Germany in the year 2024?

Deutschland war über Years later, it has been so long for the Chinese. With the Regierungswechsel, with the Grünen-Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock, who can best look at China, it is true that it was good. This is the best stereotype that man sees in German. The major projects carried out by the Berlin Flughafen are carried out by the Chinese manufacturer. It’s only a matter of time to smile while you’re at the Deutsche Bahn. Aber grundsätzlich ist “Déguó”, also Deutschland, schon noch positiv konnotiert.

Nachfrage: Deutsche Autos were yet always hoch im Kurs…

If all goes well, it’s a good habit to walk. Deutsche Autos started Nonplusultra a year ago. Mittlerweile aber sieht man in China überwiegend Elektroautos on den Straßen. You cannot use the German repairer. An E-Car from VW ridicules man’s heutzutage eher.