Champions Hockey League: Straubing Tigers clear

The war for the Straubing Tigers in the Champions Hockey League, the Champions League pendant in European ice hockey. Bereits das Achtelfinal-Hinspiel for a week that Lower Bavaria lost. Auswärts at the Lions Zurich now beat the Mannschaft of Tigers-Trainer Tom Pokel with 1:7 (1:1, 0:3, 0:3) under the Räder. During the Viertelfinal there are regions that Lower Bavaria with the largest three Towers experience different moments.

Samuelsson trifft zum Ausgleich – then power Zurich seriously

Lediglich in the first steps of the Tigers with Schweizer Meister and Tablenführer with. Philip Samuelsson appears in the 0:1 Rückstand-kurz before the Drittelpause. Danach were the eidgenossen die bessere and soulstrebigere Mannschaft and provided a clear representation.

Schon in the CHL-Vorrunde Straubing lost sharply in Zurich with 2:3.