Transporter collidiert mit Lkw, Fahrer im Wrack eingeklemmt

Hamburg- Schwerer Accident am Mittwochmorgen: In Hamburg Since 9.30 am an Lkw and a Transporter have been dispatched. Two persons would be lost.

I'll be driving an Lkw and a Transporter in Hamburg tomorrow morning. Es gab zwei Verletzte.

I’ll be driving an Lkw and a Transporter in Hamburg tomorrow morning. Es gab zwei Verletzte. © HamburgNews/Christoph Seemann

Anyone who is a police officer cannot use any Ursache in the Amandus-Stubbe-Straße (Stadtteil Moorfleet) in the crash.

The war in the Kollisie is so grim that the Transporterfahrer in the Wrack is a clamp. There must be an alarm Feuerwehr were prepared.

Während is een schließend met schweren Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus kam, wurde der Lkw-Fahrer completely light lost.

The Amandus-Stubbe-Straße must be closed in the Folge des Unfalls. The police have come to X (ehemal Twitter), among other things, it is not possible to do this.