“Wir live in Gefahr”: So (on)sicher ist Berlin für Jews

“Wir live in Gefahr”:So Berlin is (un)sighter for Jews

by Markus Gross and Oliver Klein

If the Jews and homosexuals in Teilen Berlin are no longer visible, the police in the Hauptstadt can have a fierce debate. Influenced stimuli ihr zu.

A zahlreichen Häusern in der Emser Straße in Neukölln since rote Dreiecke, a Zeichen der Hamas, and other anti-Semitic and propalästinensische Parolen sprüh

Anti-Semitic Schmierereien in Berlin Neukölln.

Quelle: dpa

There are small “No-Go-Areas” in the Hauptstadt, which the Berlin Police Chairman mentions in the “Berliner Zeitung”. Barbara Slowik then aber a satz nach, der nun for intense discussions kind:

There are many offers – and so much more that a stelle sein – the würde ich Menschen, the kippa tragedy or offensive or lesbian sin, reviews, brandsamer zu sein.

Berliner Polizeipräsidentin Barbara Slowik

If we are Slovak, it becomes “the best quaartiere, in the most Arab people, who sympathize with the terrorist groups”. Some articles are “judenfeindlichkeit”.

Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Young Women stopped Plakate mit Aufschrift "It's not one "conflict" when one side has the gun and the other prays" and "From the river to the sea" at a pro-palästinensischen Demonstration in Frankfurt hoch.

Since the terror attacks of Hamas on Israel are in Germany, the Zahl anti-Semitische Vorfälle deutlich erhöht.14.08.2024 | 10:11 min

Zentralrat der Juden nennt Aussage “alarmierend”

The reactions are intense: the publisher Michel Friedman spoke of an “offensive decision” in the “Bild” newspaper. Der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland Josef Schuster writes in Social Network Berlin sees a “Zentrum dieses Hasses”.

So respond to the Zentralrat der Juden at X

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Who is crazy, when Juden maintains with Kippa or homosexual couple by getting the best city? ZDFheute hat mit Affected conversations.

Juden wollen auf der Straße nicht erkannt zijn

Noam Petry (22) studies Medizin an der Berliner Charité. If you are involved in the Jewish study association, you may encounter anti-Semitism for years, which can be anti-Semitic vorfälle and union.

The situation is not new, but you will have known it for years. Politics is a problem, power over the law.

Noam Petry, Berlin student

Anti-Semitism Munich

During the anti-Semitism fought by Juden and Juden, the terror attack in Israel was no longer so serious. For a Uni in Munich meets both days aufeinander.06.10.2024 | 3:04 min

It seems that a journalist from Berlin-Neukölln is an anonymous journalist. “If the police president warns about anti-Semitic gefahrenzones, then this will not happen again, but it will occur in this area.” When a man comes close, the street like Juden cannot be used. “We will erase, we will live happily and happily, so we will live proudly here and we will be safe.”

Zahl der anti-Semitische Vorfälle is increasing

De Zahlen spoke a German Sprache: Anti-Semitic Vorfälle has made German statements for a number of years. The Antisemitism Investigation and Information Center (RIAS) Berlin recorded 2023 two Fall extremer Gewalt and 34 Angriffe gegen Personen, in Vorjahr there were one Fall extremer Gewalt and 20 Angriffe.

Entrance to a synagogue and graphic symbols for bedrohung and justice

Like anti-Semitism, the hostility in the Judentum would collapse. Unjustified forms exist and can be criminally prosecuted.13.06.2024 | 1:15 min

Not more dramatic is the Lage Für Schwule, Lesben und Transmenschen: Im Jahr 2023 hat “Maneo. Das schwule Anti-Gewalt-Projekt in Berlin” 685 Fälle mit LSBTIQ+-feindlichen Bezügen erfasst – 23 Prozent more as im Vorjahr. And the Dunkelziffer is high.

Kulturkneipe mehrfach attacks

Gebiete wie Sonnenallee in Neukölln is een Arab-Muslim geprägt. Since the Hamas Massacre began on October 7, there will always be anti-Israeli demonstrations and in some cases there will be anti-Semitic protests. Nicht nur in Berlin, parte der Bundesweit beschäftigt sich de Organization Ofek met dieser Thematik. The conclusion of the anti-Semitic Gewalt und Diskriminierung fest, which is based on anti-Israeli Versammlungen immer wieder zu Angriffen, Bedrohungen und Verbalattacken, states: “Jüdinnen and Jews, even if they are anti-Semitism-critical positioning Persons, then moreover the Chiffre ‘Zionists’ of Feindbildern aufgebaut und als legit Ziele-address.”
07.10.2024: The Brandenburger Tor is the Memorial of the Angriff of Israel on 07. October in the Farben der Israelischen Nationalflagge beleuchtet and said in Anspielung of the Hamas Terror Organization on 07. October 2023 entführten Geiseln „Bringt sie zt nach Hause “in Berlin, Germany, 07. October 2024.

Before one year Israel was defeated by Hamas. But of those involved, bekundeten Solidarität mit der jüdischen Gemeinschaft is not very active in Germany.08.10.2024 | 9:46 min

Beispiel: Die Kulturkneipe Bajszel, wo regularly Veranstaltungen auch zum Thema Antisemitismus stattfinden. On October 7, the local population in Emser Straße in Neukölln started with the rotten Hamas-Dreieck beschmiert, with Steinen beworfen, so get to work, mutmaßlich von pro-palästinensische activists.

Alex Carstiuc, from Betreiber, stimulated the Aussagen of the Polizeipräsidentin zu. Homosexuals, Jews and Israelis are being killed in Kiez. Pro-Israeli Läden wie das Bajszel müsse es aber geben, trotz großer Anfeindungen. “Wir lassen uns nicht einschüchtern.”

Zahlreiche Host with a banner with the inscription «Zusammen gegen Antisemitismus - Für ein weltoffenes und tolerantes Berlin» in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church at the central Memorial for the Jahrestag of the Hamas Angriffs in Israel on October 7, 2023.

The Bundestag, with the impetus of the Union, SPD, Greens, FDP and AfD, has adopted a resolution against anti-Semitism.07.11.2024 | 1:19 min

Polizeipräsidentin Rudert Zurück

The von der Berliner Polizeipräsidentin nun ausgelöste Debatte hatte indstandstanddigendes Theme is also new. But Barbara Slowik roughly inzwischen zurück: “We live in a large city with more than one million inhabitants, our citizens and because the world political history is bestimmt”, it is clear. A version: “Jüdinnen und Juden are genau wie queere Menschen in unserer Stadt sicher.”

No-Go-Areas can no longer be used by the police. The Jewish community is indignant, there are many demonstrators, anti-Semitism is on the rise. There are few things left that we can do: Sie überlegen, Berlin und Deutschland zu verlassen.

Israel, Re'im: Angehörige und Freunde trauern auf dem Gelände des Nova Festivals anlässlich des indjährigen Jahresstages des Hamas-Angriffs auf Israel.

Before Hamas-Kämpfer organized a year-long Israeli music festival and music festival. More than 1000 people were kidnapped. 250 people were displaced. 07.10.2024 | 1:48 min