Hamburg (dpa/tmn) – Schoko-Weihnachtsmänner, Adventskalender mit Schokofüllung, Tafelschokolade und Co.: Wer gerne Scholade isst, hat in der Vorweihnachtszeit nor mehr die Qual der Wahl als ohnehin schon. So the beautiful display has never been easier, because most things are often complicated.
Den Nachhaltigkeit at Schokolade don’t worry about environmental protection. It’s a dish of justice and fair working conditions, and it’s the Kakao Plantation. Understanding who is “honest” or “negligent” is not protected. Your bedside manner may also vary. Jana Fischer from the Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg has removed Siegel’s best version of eights:
- Fairtrade Siegel: The green logo has been secured, the Arbeitsbedingungen are regulated, Kinderarbeit verboten is a workable organization on the plantation. Auch öcological Standards play a Rolle.
- Rainforest Alliance: This Siegel has developed a social and environmental critique, which the Fischer industry has considered Fairtrade Siegel.
- EU-Bio-Siegel: As organic quality increases, Siegel’s logo could be eights. It is wise that 95 products come from organic agricultural strains. Most importantly, there is no social investment. A Bio-Siegel that is no stricter than Naturland, Demeter and Bioland, i.e. Fischer.
A tip from the expert: Sowohl auf das Fair trade-Siegel as auch auf das EU-Bio-Siegel eighten. With this combination you have “good security, the honest product and the extremely friendly restored world”.
If you have a smaller Repairer you may have a problem with troubleshooting. One of the things that a fair trade company has established with Kakao Plantation is a model that can be considered “Direct Trade”.
Furnishings at Bitterschokolade
After most products for purchasing a product had been added, the Zeitschrift „Öko-Test“ (ausgabe 12/2024) was updated with 21 bitter chocolates placed under the Lupe test.
The Öko-Tester fragments another kind of the Anbietern ab, such as Kinderarbeit for his Lovely work or the most nachweisen können, which is done with Monitoring-Systems and Präventionsmaßnahmen dayegen. Or if you follow a strategy, while establishing the existence of a business, its existence will be assured. Many long-term partnerships or Belgian agreements can last up to a year in the “Öko-Test” experience.
Such CSR Test said that the Frage nach der unternehmerischen Verantwortung durchau noch Luft nach oben: A Markenchocolade field in diesem Punkt with the Teilbewertung “ungenügend” durch. If the reteller says that the “Öko-Test” is not necessary once, the users of the product will use the products they use. A chocolate schneidet in this Punkt “ausreichend” ab, zehn Schokolade bekamen für diesen Aspekt die Teilbewertung “befriedigend”. “Gut” in puncto CSR Ergebnis since eight Schokoladen. If you invest the best with the best Bemühungen, so the Tester.
Gesamturteil “intestine”
De good Nachricht: Unter de verantwortungsvollen Herstellern sind fun Schokoladen, de Öko-Tester auch in puncto Inhaltsstoffe as “sehr gut” bewertet haben – all with 70 Prozent Kakaoanteil: Tony’s Chocolonely Zartbitter, Rapunzel Edelbitterschokolade, Gepa Grand Noir Zarte Bitter, Rapunzel Edelbitterchokolade and Ener Bio Feine Bitter Schokolade from Rossmann are thus called the Gesamtnote “intestine”.
Four days after a bio-Siegel, the knowledge of the Rainforest Alliance is about Fairtrade-Siegel. Weitere Siegel, who find themselves with their favorite chocolates: the We-Care-Siegel, Naturland, GEPA fair+ and Hand in Hand.
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