Ex-NFL star with Trump minister – vom Stadion ins Weiße Haus

Vom Stadion in the Weiße Haus

Ex-NFL star Scott Turner with Trump secretary


Scott Turner is playing 2020 like a role in the Trump administration!

Was a Career!

Scott Turner, ex-NFL player, was nominated by bald American President Donald Trump as Minister for Housing. Turner, the demise of the Trump Amtszeit is a celebration of the Trump Teams.

Trump’s Bislang Einziger Schwarzer Minister

Während Trump’s first American time led Turner to the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council and what is this for the Bundesbank with the theme of the Wohnen. In one of his official messages, Trump saw Turner before his revocation: “There is a strong position of power, which has had the greatest influence on transforming countries.” Trumps bislang einzinger schwarzer Minister soll die Obdachlosigkeit bekämpfen. Shame in the US It is not that society’s debt burden is affected or that they end up in social housing.

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Jetzt muss nur noch der Senat jijtimmen! Since the autumn, a large group has been responsible for coordinating national housing policy. This is the program for the maintenance of living space, the support of the American market with limited resources, the prevention of discrimination on the market and the support of the city tent.