Scholz won the SPD-Machtkampf against Pistorius – a nearer Zweifel bleibt

Zum Schluss artete is aus, brutal, heart, unrestrained. And then they have won against the brutal, the hearty, the fouthrenere, auch: der Ruchlosere. It is a war that has neither power camp nor Olaf Scholz in its heart – ohne Wenn and Aber.

Power is that Fähigkeit, others see Willen aufzuzwängen. It’s not aesthetically pleasing, but it’s not even a clean wettbewerb. There is one of the most prominent SPD frags who runs one of these Spitzenpersonalies:

  • Can the party be part of the waiter? Is solidarity one of Kanzler’s own goals?
  • Will the Party of the Betrayer be, no one considers likely anymore, not even respectful?

The SPD hat – in common with the rest of Germany – so see a Scholz gelitten

He sees things differently when the man puts on the party political glasses. Were we interested in German affairs, Olaf Scholz or Boris Pistorius? The Antwort is unreliable: Man weiß es nicht, denn:

  • Nobody knows that Pistorius has an idea who can be a Bundesregierung of the German Economics.
  • No one knows that Pistorius has an idea who can help the German Society with its uncontrolled wanderings.
  • No one can say, was Pistorius’ climate protection.

With others Worten: The SPD hat – in common with the rest of Germany – so see an Amtsinhaber Olaf Scholz gelitten, that’s all Ernstes weighed hat, inhn since a weitgehend unbeschriebenes Blatt zu ersetzen. The translation of the SPD and its own Chancellor must be as great as the attention of the German population towards Richtlinienkompetenz.

Weshalb could dieser Mann from Osnabrück at all become zum Kanzlerkansen der Herzen? Nur, weil er better redet as Scholz, in unverstellten, bodenständigen Sprache. Man nimmt ihm ab, it was said. This trust has lasted for the longest time. There is still no chance that a kanzler will spend more years in a company that is embroiled in the implementation of the Scholz.

What’s more: Pistorius has a bad property of Scholz, one that die meisten Menschen einfach abstößt: Überheblichkeit. The fact is that your own performance, during an unchallengeable performance, is not even legitimate.

Scholz and Pistorius were damaged

Scholz now fought the power battle with Pistorius. If it is not the best and is not good, then get rid of it from the Kampf reform.

So it’s a question of Widersacher. Pistorius is now a man, the Zweifel is no longer visible. One born Nummer Zwei – insofern also am richtigen Platz.

Is it a heart odor? There is no abuse of power in Spitzenpolitik. It’s no different. Konrad Adenauer must persevere with his Widersacher, heartily and dishonestly, bisweilen under the Gürtel line.

Ludwig Erhard struggles with the great Gegner, who takes on the Sturz in the CDU. Franz Josef Strauss was Helmut Kohl – the first run of the Palatinate that hit the bullish Bayern, it went quickly, with the Niederlage of Angela Merkel against Edmund Stoiber.

Herbert Wehner versus Willy Brandt. Helmut Schmidt vs Oskar Lafontaine. And once again Oskar Lafontaine – against Gerhard Schröder. Danach the Entire Parade of the SPD Presidents.

Politics is schmutzig and everyone can sit there

Politics is a schmutzig enterprise that sees the whole world of Schmutz. And with Schmutz you may live in Farbe. Jede Regung und Bewegung von Scholz einseits und Pistorius Andereits kam een ​​​​​​in Brennglas, op de Medien-Plattformen warman in Echtzeit dabei.

Otherwise, even if Ehrenrettung der Politik dies, this will never happen again. Now that there is no room left, a Spitzenmanager can compete with the other Spitzenmanager with the number of a meuchelt.

Den Schaden has no Scholz and is no longer bothered by Pistorius. Den Schaden has the SPD – and the previous channel. Lars Klingbeil is in the debate that lasted a long time, but it is true that the SPD-Vorsitzende has used a loose termincalendar for its own Chancellor in the test test. This is the war heart of the loyalty frontier.

Schmach für Scholz and it is one of the two Zweifel-bleiben

The Machtkampf has begun, but the next step has been taken. Scholz would not lose Pistorius again. If there was a problem, it became a problem in the first place, but Pistorius wasn’t the only candidate who wanted that.

There is a second Zweifel-bleiben. If you want to take a chance on the Kanzler and the Kanzlercandidates, this is legal. So Scholz von jetzt can become a gar nicht mehr, if this Schmach vergessen machen könnte: Sich as Bundeskanzler anyway with a broader group a dieses Amt herumschlagen zu müssen. The man dare not forget: Pistorius has a great self-esteem.

Scholz was so shy, that dieser Machtkampf ihm could first become broaderfahren. Under the war it is so grim that it is so separated. Was bleibt?

Those nagenden Zweifel and ihm. It was neither long nor long, since Wahl für Friedrich Merz was happy.