“Rosenheim-Cops” star Marisa Burger gained fans with Wow-Look

Marisa Burger

“Rosenheim-Cops”-Star delights fans with Wow-Look: “Be a diva”

If Frau Stockl styles as an actress, private or military, says “Rosenheim-Cops” star Marisa Burger jetzt in a different look.

Seit 2002 ermitteln “Die Rosenheim Cops” in ZDF-Vorabend. Genauso lange dabei ist Marisa Burger (51) as Miriam Stockl. In the role of the secretary, the Darstellerin schlüpft with the kleiderwechsel, when the private man is in jeans and leather jackets, or even in the hippie style. You can also do differently: on Instagram said that the 51st birthday was in a beautiful dress.

If you have a thin color, change your clothes with a pleated look, with gold-colored statement earrings. Here you can use the scale of an art chignon. If you follow your outfit, you will notice that you are “sometimes a diva”.

Marisa Burgers Fans are watching it

Marisa Burger received her appreciation and compliments for the post. “Wow! Noble”, he says. Or: “Wunderschön schaust aus”. Another follower commented: “Sehr good Styling, appropriate for a beautiful woman.” Lob is auch für Burgers Role at the “Rosenheim-Cops”: “Tolle Frau! Besonders ihre Role at the Rosenheim-Cops. Frech, schnippisch, vorlaut, schlagfertig. Das Salz in der Suppe. Sie gibt der Serie den gewissen Pep! Daumen hoch Chapeau.”

Frau Stocks is professional and feminine with charm

At the “Rosenheim-Cops” Burger meist Kleider in fröhlichen Farben. What’s more, it is knee-length and toned in figure. Your outfits are completely in stock, the police with the iconic satz “Es gabat a Leich'” in the Spur Schicktwith suitable accessories, wie zB Schmuck or schicken Schal. Especially Markenzeichen der Rolle: Marisa Burgers shows good health, her common sense and her radiant blue eyes are concrete.

“Unsere costumbildnerin hat sich with the Figure of the Polizeisekretärin sehr gut auseinandergesetzt and of the Person Miriam Stockl with the auffälligen Kleidung nor more Farbe gegeben”, erklärte Citizen 2023 gegenüber “bayernsbestes.de“.