Papst will canonize Social Apostle Frassati on August 3

Vatikanstadt, 24.11.2024 (KAP) Papst Franziskus will celebrate an international Jugendfest im Heiligen Jahr in young Jahren verstorbenen italienischen Sozialapostel Heiligen. You can find it at the Mittagsgebet on Petersplatz in front of Zehntausenden Pilgern. It was a while ago that Piergiorgio Frassati (1901-1925) declared the coming years in Rome on August 3, erklärte der Papst. That sonntag is formed by the Abschluss and Höhepunkt, one of the most special Jugendreffens in the holy years in Rome.

Frassati, one of the liberal publishers and diplomats in Turin, commits himself as a student or scholar to fighting for the poor and vulnerable and to war, among other things, under the Catholic People’s Party. There is a change in the 24 years after the next poliomyelitis, but it is unlikely that a childhood disease runs in the family.

Frassati will last longer as patron of the Catholic Weltjugendtage verehrt. Seine Seligspechung took place in 1990 by Pope John Paul II. Ebenfalls im Heiligen Jahr will be blessed by Papst Franziskus den as “Cyber-Apostle” Mailänder Jugendlichen Carlo Acutis (1991 – 2006).

If canonization is obtained by the Catholic Church, a statement can be considered sacred and an outrage can be caused. When you are in one of the best regions, you can worship the Holy Spirit of Gläubigen weltweit and make a splash.