Kein Sportgymnasium in Geretsried and kein Plan B – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

The Enttäuschung is the third place of the Vertretern der München Süd Sportschule GmbH in its Gesicht geschrieben, if the Montagvormittag in the Geretsrieder Rathaussaal of the Ergebnis des Bürgerentscheids öffentlich bekannt gegeben wird. The private sports gymnasium in the Geretsrieder Stadtwald is protected. The Geretsriederinnen and Geretsrieder have a Wahlbeteiligung of 47.7 Prozent für de Rettung des Stadtwalds and damit gestimmt gestimmt. While the Sportschul-Planer as the Stadt Geretsried has a different location in Geretsried, if you turn south of the Hallenbads.

The Abstimmungsausschusss unter Leitung von Bürgermeister Michael Müller (CSU) nennt die Zahlen: Für das von der Bürgerinitiative IG Wald initiierte Bürgerbegehren “Erhalt des Stadtwaldes zwischen Hallenbad und Ahornweg in Geretsried” voted 6094 Personen; for the decisions with the title “Yes to Bildung, yes to Sport” 2938. Bei der Stichfrage 2810 ihr Kreuz at “Fortführung der Planungen zur Ansiedlung der Sportschule (des Sportgymnasiums) Geretsried” and 6312 at “Stopp der Planungen für den Neubau eines Sportgymnasiums“.

Matthias Pohlus, Ute Hennekes and Florian Kurrle want to bring the sports gymnasium to Geretsried. (Photo: Hartmut Pöstges)

Ute Hennekes, who started working as project leader of the South Sports School Munich two years ago, and their two Mitstreiter Florian Kurrle and Matthias Pohlus said they were very affected. Clearly, the Waldes’ experience is not clear. Hennekes formulates it differently: “The citizens have a common school of chickens, they do not want to be judged.” They fall into the meaning of “Kampagne”, “Populismus” and “Falschinformationen”. At the end of the day it was a fact that the debt initiators, some of them have been recovered, the entire Grundstücksfläche of 22,000 Quadratmetern Wald was robbed. Dies stimmt nach de first Entwürfen der Initiators nicht; It is worth it that 10,000 quadratmeters die Reason, for the better development of construction plans.

If you are faced with all kinds of problems, there is no question that the money that the euro generates will be paid (Hanne’s hatte bei der Vorstellung des Projects im Mai 500 to 600 Euro generated). Pohlus spoke in this Zusammenhang von „Sozialneid“. Hennekes says that many people want to develop the project as “elitär”, but that they might want to do research with “hundreds of SUVs from the Grünwald”.

In jeder Hinsicht auf Geretsried und de Standort-zugeschnitten

A Plan B, also an alternative in another municipality, is not the case, but Pohlus auf Nachfrage. There is concrete, the Munich South Gym has a year on the Standort in Geretsried konzentriert, everything else where, who is, unfair gegenüber der Stadt affairs. Hennekes focuses on a social and ecological “Leuchtturm project” that the city of Geretsried has come up with. All three days are there, that’s why “viel Zuspruch” are there; It’s a big opportunity. The Schule is now in the back of his mind on Geretsried and the Standort-zugeschnitten. If we have found the fragment “hanebüchen”, the architect of the architectural firm Daniel Libeskind is never another example of his verwirklichen work. Dennoch betonen Hennekes, Pohlus und Kurrle, dass sie das Abstimmungsergebnis akzeptierten. Pohlus could, as jetzt tun, “was a good sportsler force”: the Niederlage analyzed and daraus learned.

Thomas Laumont, Speaker of the IG Wald, said they would all be like that. Schon am Sonntagabend is a high degree of safety with the Abstimmungsergebnis gezeigt. In its vision, the Seine Initiative has visited the Stadtwald south of the Hallenbaden.

“For all Olympic and Paralympic talents”

The private gymnasium for 700 sports ambitions of students and students will develop in a “highly modern” concept, it is a climate-neutral company, barrier-free and innovative on the road, “for all Olympic and Paralympic talents” and with the start of the Schuljahr 2027.

Der Geretsrieder Stadtraat plans to complete an extension of a Vorhaben- und Erschließungsplans in the middle of the summer. In the Folge hatte sich roads der absehbaren Rodung von Teilen des Stadtwalds eine Bürgerinitiative gebildet, die schließlich 4700 Unterschrift zur Rettung des Stadtwalds vorlegen konnte.

On the initiative of the citizen’s participation in the city in October and in consultation, the sports gymnasium is completely covered. Bürgermeister Müller said that a sports gymnasium shaped the cityscape as the umbrella for the claim stadiums, the new hallenbaden and the middle schools.